Ardoch Guild
New members are always very welcome.
Motto: Whose we are, and Whom we serve
Strategy: ‘Look Forward in Faith’
Theme: New wine, new wine skins
16th November 2024
Hi Members of Ardoch Guild,
The Ardoch Development Trust, the ADT along with a group of volunteers will be hosting a ‘Christmas in the Community’ event on Saturday 14th December from 12-3pm in the Village Hall.
Local community groups and local businesses/organisations have been asked to get involved and Ardoch Guild has agreed to host a stall selling produce sales table. Proceeds from this sales table will go to our Guild funds (for the benefit of our 4 Guild Projects (of which Crossreach’s Playful Beginnings is one).
Heather will be manning the Guild stall on the day and would be grateful for some help from Guild members who might be available.
Please give any produce to members of the Guild Committee Heather, Dorothy, Maureen or Ann, Fiona Lyle and Pat Duncan or bring it along on the day.
Others are providing refreshments. Should be a good afternoon. Hope to see you there,
Heather McDonald
Ardoch Guild President.
‘Christmas in the Community’
Saturday 14th December
from 12-3pm
in the Village Hall.
Keeping you in the Loop October ‘24
Dear Guild Members,
I think we can all see and feel the change of season. I’m out in the garden a lot – cutting things back and filling not only our brown bin but also that of my next door neighbour. One wee surprise recently is that after a long wait the most amazing bright purple gladioli have come into bloom. So late in the season but a most welcome bit of colour. Meanwhile, I am hopeful that all the preparation I am doing now will pay off in the Spring.
There has been a change to the proposed Guild syllabus. Our first meeting, on Thursday 3rd October is to become a visit to St Mattews Church in Perth for a Seeds for Growth Roadshow. ‘Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow’ is to start at 2pm. There is a break at 3.30pm if anyone wants to leave at that point. The afternoon session finishes at 5pm.
There is also an evening session from 7-9pm. It is a meeting which your Guild President, Heather, and Rev Mairi are keen, if possible, that we attend.
Please do phone Heather if you would like to attend this meeting. A car will be returning to Braco at 3.30pm – do get in touch with Heather if you think you can make it. So far 12 members are attending.
Therefore, please note, there will be no Guild meeting in the church hall at 2pm on Thursday 3rd October.
The Livestream of the Guild Annual Gathering on Saturday 7th September was not particularly well attended by Ardoch Guild members. 6 members from Crieff Guild and about 14 from Ardoch Guild came for all or part of the day and enjoyed participating. Grateful thanks are due to both Sue and Joyce who set up the livestream and without whom this event would not have taken place.
The Guild Week Walk had a handful of participants on Thursday 12th September at 10am. After the walk the 2 servers of tea/coffee and scones in the church hall enjoyed the refreshments, scones and company of the walkers on their return.
On 15th September, our Guild Rededication Service was organised and led by our Guild President, Heather McDonald. Various members ably participated in the service and Rev Mairi rededicated the Guild for yet another year. Many thanks to all who contributed.
Our November Guild meeting will be at 2pm on Thursday 7th November when we will be having a speaker, Ivy Blair, come share with us about the charity ‘Prospects Across Scotland’.
A Reminder: Monday 21st October There is to be a Guild mini-gathering taking place at Dunblane Cathedral 12.30 – 4pm. It would be good to have a reasonable representation from Ardoch Guild present at this event. Hope you can manage to come along.
The Show Affs concert on Saturday night of the 21st September was a great success. I have had so many people who have mentioned how much they enjoyed the performances of Aaron, Mark and Kirsty. We had tea and coffee at the interval and a raffle. It was decided that the proceeds from the raffle should go to Blythswood Care to help cover the cost of sending shoeboxes to Ukraine for their soldiers at Christmas.
The raffle raised £214. Thanks to all who bought raffle tickets and to Guild members who contributed prizes.
Filling shoeboxes can be very expensive and Ann Speirs says that there are now black bags in the church vestibule for those who wish to donate items: – toothbrushes and toothpaste; soap; thermal socks; hats, scarfs and gloves; shampoo or shower gel; deodorant; combs and bags of non- chocolate sweets (Best before date no earlier than 31st March ‘25).
All donations to be at the church before 28th September. Not long to go!
Following a fall at home Nettie is in Forth Valley Hospital. Our love and best wishes go to her at this time.
Honor is recovering from her recent fall in the care of St Margaret’s Hospital in Auchterarder. Do not visit around mealtimes 12 noon and 5pm. However, she perks up as soon as a ‘weel kent’ face appears to visit.
Gerry is being cared for at Parkdale care home in Auchterarder. Kirsty went to sing for residents at Parkdale recently and is to return on Saturday afternoon 28th Sept. If you happen to visit someone at Parkdale that afternoon I am sure that you too will be able to enjoy the ‘concert’.
Morag is undergoing treatment at present and I am sure would welcome your prayers at this time.
Keeping you in the Loop September ‘24
Dear Guild Members,
Well! We have had a lot of rain but it means that when the sun shines we really do appreciate it!
This was especially important when John and I attended the Refuel Christian festival held outside in Gordon Castle grounds in Moray. The fact that the event was outdoors came forcefully home when the organisers wrote to us the week before commencement of the Festival to “remember to bring your chair”. We were so fortunate to have good weather all week! I loved going around all the tents hearing about the work of various charities. I especially loved the worship which was lively, powerful and at times very loud, as we stood in a large congregation from all ‘airts and pairts.’ Lots of conversations with people of all ages and it was lovely to see families with bairns in pushchairs, and programmes full of fun and teaching for children from toddlers to teenagers. The evening speakers were especially good and very inspirational. A great week was had by one and all.
The Summer is not yet over – folks are still planning holidays, enjoying providing hospitality for family and friends visiting as well as getting out and about.
However, Ardoch Guild Committee has been very busy sorting out a 24/25 syllabus, and organising Guild Week and etc.
Livestreaming the Guild Annual Gathering on 7th September.
We are yet again to Livestream the Guild Annual Gathering from Edinburgh into our Church Hall on Saturday 7th September. We have sent out invitations to local Guilds and have had some positive responses saying that some of their members intend to join us for the day. It is always good to welcome and meet up with members from other Guilds and it does make the Livestreaming event very special. Our Guild Committee are hoping that you will put this date in your diary so that we enjoy being together for this special event.
The event will be catered with a welcome cup of tea/coffee at 10.30am so that we are ready for the start of the Livestreaming at 11am.
A light lunch will be provided and we will presume that you will be coming unless you inform us otherwise.
Booklets have been ordered so that we can read the schedule and sing hymns etc.
The Guild Office are organising 3 Zoom meetings planned during Guild Week. The details are as follows:
On Monday 9th September at 7pm we will hear from Scottish Bible Society and Release International. You can access this meeting using this link ‘Meeting Information – Zoom’
On Wednesday 11th September at 7pm we will hear from Bear Necessities and CrossReach. You can access this meeting using this link ‘Meeting Information – Zoom’
On Thursday 12th September at 10am we will hear form two of our previous project partners including Prospects. You can access this meeting using this link ‘Meeting Information – Zoom’.
Join in online if you can.
On Thursday 12th September Liz Paterson is to organise a Guild Week ‘Castle Track Walk’ starting at 10am from Ardoch Church. The walk should take approximately 1 ½ hours including stops, it is on a reasonable track, mainly on the level with two gradual up-hill sections and lovely views of the Ochil Hills and surrounding countryside.
There is an alternative a shorter walk, about 30 Minutes, for anyone who would prefer that. We will all start together.
After the walk, refreshments and scones will be available in the church hall.
Letters of invitation are going out to members of local Guilds who may want to participate.
Join either the longer or shorter walk if you are able. If you do not intend to walk – remember you can come along to the Church Hall from 10.30am onwards for a chat and greet the walkers as they return from their walk!
On Sunday 15th September we will be having our Guild Rededication – a chance to rededicate ourselves to ‘whose we are and whom we serve’.
Guild meetings October to December inclusive are :
Thursday 3rd October at 2pm Speaker Rev Mairi Perkins.
Thursday 7th November at 2pm Open meeting with Speaker Ivy Blair from ‘Prospects Across Scotland’.
Thursday 14th November Guild Whist at 7.30pm – a fundraiser for Guild Projects.
Thursday 5th December at 2pm Christmas Party.
Bibles for Bairns is a new initiative from the Scottish Bible Society. Their aim is to provide every child in Scotland with a bible if their parents are happy to receive one. Once the child is registered they will receive reading materials on their 1st,2nd, 3rd and 4th birthday. On their 5th birthday they will receive their own children’s bible.
Registration for children born in 2024 is now open. So why not encourage, any new parents you may know to sign up for this great gift – just check that mum or dad that they are happy to be signed up if you register the child.
Sign up at: Scottish Bible Society/Bibles for Bairns registration
The ‘Show Affs’
You may have seen posters and information about Kirsty coming to sing Songs from the Musicals along with an amazing pianist and violinist. Most folks in Braco have heard Kirsty singing and this is an opportunity to hear a group of musicians who are eager to come to Braco Village and share a concert that has gone down really well in other locations.
The concert is to take place in our Ardoch Church Hall on the evening of Saturday 21st September from 7.30pm. Tickets are priced at £10 and are available from Guild Committee members, Raj at Braco Stores or Pat Duncan at 01786 880 877 on our new-fangled smartphone – 07799100050.
A raffle will take place for the benefit of Guild Projects and raffle prizes from Guild members are most welcome.
* Monday 21st October Mini gathering to take place on at Dunblane Cathedral 12.30 – 4pm.
Keeping you in the Loop May ‘24
Dear Guild Members,
I do hope that you are all filled with enthusiasm for the days and weeks ahead. The Spring flowers are providing us with a lovely display and although the weather is very changeable I personally have loved the hours I have recently spent working in the garden. I am looking forward to spending more time getting it all shipshape. The days are slowly lengthening and I am sure we all will appreciate a welcome change in the weather as we move towards Summer!
A new Secretary
At the recent AGM I reiterated my desire to relinquish my job as secretary of our Guild. I have been doing the job for 5 years + and have found it very enjoyable. However, other things are encroaching on my time and I am finding it difficult to do all that is necessary.
I am hopeful that by the time we start our new session in October someone else will volunteer to take on this job. In the meantime, I am busy thinking of potential speakers for next session. If any of our Guild members has an idea about who we could contact about coming to speak to our Guild please do get in touch with me – sooner rather than later!
News from the Guild Office
I have been looking through literature that has come from the Guild office and thought to share some of it with you.
The Annual Gathering is to take place on Saturday 7th September – followed by lots of interesting suggestions from the Guild office about how we can fill Guild Week with all sorts of ‘doings.’
Hopefully, we will continue with our livestream of the Annual Gathering – sending out invites to surrounding Guilds and asking them to join us. We will as usual finish Guild week with our Rededication Service.
It is interesting that this year marks the 25th anniversary of Guild Week and much has been achieved during that period.
The new 3 Year Strategy is to be ‘Let Us Build a House’ (of faith, of mission and of service). The theme for 24/25 is ‘Sure Foundations’.
We are asked to continue to fundraise for the current Guild Project Partners until the 31st December ’24. We are advised that this is necessary because of the interruption to fundraising caused by Covid.
Muriel Smith: There was a lovely ‘Celebration of Life’ service in the church on Monday 15th April. I am a relative newbie to the village and it was interesting to hear all about Muriel’s life and her 30 years in Braco rearing a family and being involved with lots of things including our Guild. Her granddaughter Catherine played a wonderful piano piece at the event and I sat next to Muriel’s delightful 21 year old grandson who talked with me about his career in the Royal Navy!
Anne W is going into hospital 29th April for surgery on 30th April. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers during this time.
Guild Committee Meeting either before or after the choir meeting on Thursday 2nd May eg 1pm or 2.30pm.
Ardoch Strings Concert and Refreshments
The Guild usually hosts a wee performance by the children who are being taught the violin by Fiona Chalamanda. The concert is to be on 10th May and will start in the church a little after 3pm once the children are all set up and ready to go.
Afterwards, we hope to be joined by all attending for some refreshments and cake in the church hall. We hope this will be well attended by family, friends and Guild members. A responsive audience would be a great boost for these children also giving them the opportunity to perform in front of an appreciative audience.
Songs of Praise Friday 17th May 2024 at 7pm
Please come along and enjoy an evening of singing your favourite hymns. There will be contributions from Ardoch Choir, Brazen Feddals (local fiddle group) and Youth Ardoch Strings, and our own youth group will be playing and /or singing for us. We also look forward to hearing contributions from John Duncan, our organist, and Fiona Chalamanda,
Go to the Church website and look out for posters for more details!
It would be lovely to have you come join us in what will be a joyful evening.
Admission is free but donations towards Church Funds will be gratefully received.
Maureen James would really appreciate an idea of numbers hoping to attend by Wednesday 1st May. This would greatly help with organising catering.
Keeping You in the Loop January 2024
Dear Guild Members,
Happy New Year to one and all!
Our Guild Theme this year is New Wine, new wine skins.
There are many Guild members I see on a regular basis whether at church on Sunday, at Guild meetings or Guild /Church events eg our very successful Whist night and the challenging Quiz organised by the Fundraising Team.
I also see a few of you coming along to The Hub on Tuesdays. It is interesting that we now have a 50/50 balance of men and women coming along to the Hub regularly and some new faces often arrive. We even have members of the WRI walkers club arriving for morning coffee and cake occasionally. Folks who come along generally love the chat and friendliness of the warm space and social club. They love home made soups and home baking too! And …. they love the activities/entertainment on offer each afternoon.
Usually, on the first Tuesday of the month we have a games afternoon. However, that designated activity seems to have evolved into a jigsaw building venture. I have procured many jigsaws with very big pieces (100, 200 or 300 pieces) that can be completed in an afternoon. Doris Lindsay is my ‘checker’ to make sure jigsaws are intact and she does a great job
The second Tuesday is dedicated to BINGO which has turned out to be very popular with folks vying to win token prizes. We often have time to do a singalong and sometimes even a Power Point quiz. We have done PP on prime ministers, Scottish entertainers, hats (who would believe there are over 20 different kinds of hats!) Doctor Who’s, 1940’s/50’s Leading Ladies and comedians. There is always a new topic to explore and challenge one’s memory.
The third Tuesday in each month is devoted to the ‘Mega Quiz’. All who came along to our most recent Guild meeting on 11th January now have a full understanding of what we know as the ‘Mega Quiz’. It’s a fairly demanding challenge but one shared by the team. A bit of maths; knowledge of varieties of potatoes; European flags; a conundrum, a mini crossword; a Sudoku, a jigsaw without a picture, a wordsearch etc, etc – 10 different challenges.
The Guild team consisting of Sue, Sally, Morag and John won the challenge hands down and earned themselves a tube of smarties (each! no expense spared!).
As at The Hub – when the folders were given out to each team – silence ensued as competitiveness took over! So, if you fancy a brain workout come along to the Hub and face our crack Hub team – the next Hub Mega quiz will be on 16th January and starts about 12.45pm.
Knowing that whist nights have been reduced in attendance we decided to start ‘beginners’ whist sessions’ at The Hub. We have our second session on Tuesday 16th January and we hope that the 7 beginners (with a little help and experience) will be proficient enough to enter the foray at the next Church Whist Night on 8th February (date for your diary!).
Starting new things can be very daunting but folks who come along to The Hub have found the experience of meeting up with new people, and trying new things sometimes challenging , but at other times pleasurable, fulfilling, and often exhilarating.
So, perhaps in this New Year we should be looking for new challenges that stretch us.
New Wine, New wine skins……?
All good wishes,
Pat Duncan (Guild Secretary).
Dates for your diary:
January 26th Burns themed Community Lunch at 12 noon. Bring a friend or neighbour. Contact Barbara or Charles to say you are coming.
February 1st – Speaker Bruce Tarbet comes to share with us about the ‘Asylum Seekers at Falkirk’. If you remember, Bruce asked for donations last winter pre-Christmas for this vulnerable group facing their first Scottish Winter. Members of Ardoch Church stepped up to the challenge a gave generously. So it will be lovely to hear how these asylum seekers are being supported and perhaps what the future holds for them.
We have asked Bruce if he knows of any item/s needed by these asylum seekers and he has suggested warm socks and /or boxer shorts would be very welcome. Let’s see what we can do! Bring along items to our February meeting so that they can be given to Bruce.
February 8th – Ardoch Church Whist Night 7.30pm. Entry £5 (including refreshments). Raffle.
March 1st World Day of Prayer for Palestine. 2pm in the Church Hall. Come along and learn about the culture of this area and what life was like for Christian women in Palestine before the war.
We all recognise the awful situation that exists in Palestine just now and for this reason prayer is so important for this region at this time.
March 14th at 7.30pm. Michaela Foster Marsh comes to Auchterarder Church to talk about ‘Starchild’ – finding the light in every child’ one of our Guild projects. This is a charity that addresses the challenge of stigma and myths related to intellectual and physical disability in Uganda. We have an invitation to join Auchterarder Guild for this event, since Michaela is hard pressed to visit all Guilds who have requested her to come and speak.
It is hoped that Ardoch Guild will turn out in strength. Please try to arrange your transport in friendship groups at our February 1st Guild meeting.
‘Remember, Remember ‘to give your used stamps to Liz P. and plastic milk bottle tops to Dorothy S. These donations make a difference to charitable causes.
Keeping You in the Loop December 2023
Dear Guild members,
Heather, our president, asked me to prepare a talk for children for the service the Guild is organising and that she is leading on 10th December with the Advent theme of ‘Peace’.
It got me thinking….
John 14: 27 says
“I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t a fragile peace like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”
There are many ways to find peace, but I suppose it’s important to remember that peace is a state of mind that develops as you come into relationship with God and get to know him so that knowing becomes a two-way thing.
In Galatians 5 : 22-23 it says:
“When the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; and here there is no conflict with Jewish laws”.
Some things in our lives happen because we have a routine – like grocery shopping, cooking meals, housework or going to group meetings on a regular basis. But there are random things that we do that help us cope with what might otherwise be a hum-drum existence (and I appreciate there are some folks who like going to the supermarket, cooking meals 365 days of the year and doing laundry etc). However, for me it’s the going out for walks in the park, swimming and going to a theatre show, visiting an art gallery and going on holiday or inviting family or friends to stay that gives me an occasional diversion from routine and lifts my spirits.
Even although we make plans we cannot always control things.
We sometimes worry when things don’t work out the way we want them to – “The best-laid schemes o’ mice and men gang aft a-gley.” Sometimes things end differently than expected, despite preparations for success, and that can cause a lot of stress and bother.
We hear it said that a problem shared is a problem solved. And that is where God comes in. Telling him about your worries can change things for you.
In 1 Peter 5 :7, Peter says to let Jesus have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about us and watching everything that concerns us. So, talking to Jesus in prayer, and giving him all your worries and cares, is a good thing and very often will makes you feel a bit better.
Sometimes we feel annoyed or angry about what someone has said or done to us.
Maintaining a grudge against someone can make us feel bad because we keep thinking about the thing that is making us feel so awful. That’s where God expects us to forgive people who have done/said unkind, thoughtless and /or hurtful things to us. It’s sometimes a very difficult thing to do – to forgive someone. But God says we must do it. So far as he is concerned, we have no alternative.
In Matthew 6:14-15 it is written: “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
Well that’s very clear! and very often peace and quiet and calm will reign once more as a result of forgiveness.
It is said that finding peace is a journey, not a destination. It takes time and effort, but it’s worth it.
I wish you all a very peaceful Christmas and may the God of hope fill you with all peace and joy this season of Advent.
(Oh dear! I seem to have written a lot!!!)
From Dorothy Johnston:
Many thanks to all who contributed to a very successful afternoon. A very good speaker on behalf of the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance. The collection for the Air Ambulance came to a magnificent £192.00 which the guild funds made up to £250.00 and gave the cheque to Claire. The produce table made the amazing amount of £115.50.
Guild Christmas Party
Your Guild Committee is busy making preparations for the Guild Christmas Party on Thursday 7th December at 2pm. We hope it will be a lovely, convivial way for us all to get together to celebrate the Christmas season. The choir will be coming along to entertain us.
From Doreen Stewart (Guilds Together). I would like to remind us about our next ‘Guilds Together’ meeting. It will be the Advent of Light in Perth North Church on Monday 4 December 2023 at 2.30 pm. It will be lovely to see many of you there.
The Guild will be leading the church service on December 10th service on the Advent theme of ‘Peace’. Please contact Heather if you want to participate.
The Hub is up and running for another Winter from November to March inclusive.
We meet from 11 am until 3pm starting with Elevenses, then a light lunch at 12 noon followed by an afternoon of entertainment. So far the first Tuesdays of the month are jigsaws and games afternoon; the second Tuesday is given to a Bingo session plus a sing-a -long; the third Tuesday is Mega Quiz which is very popular and the 4th Tuesday we hope to have live musical entertainment! Where we are lucky enough to have a 4th Tuesday we have a surprise in store!
After-Church Teas and Coffees. I have just put up a new sign-up sheet for you to volunteer to set-up and serve after church service teas and coffee. Please sign up as when you are available. as and when you are available. Bring along milk but biscuits are available – you do NOT need to bake!
Remember that this is an ongoing fundraiser for Guild projects and over the whole year the total is definitely worth the bother and the church gains from our willingness to provide this service.
The Guild meeting on January 11th at 2pm takes the form of a ‘Mega Quiz’. Teams will be given a range of puzzles to compete within an allotted time. There are number and word puzzles including a conundrum. There is some geography and a few other ‘ologies’ thrown in for good measure! Come along and contribute to a team effort.
At the 1st February Guild Meeting we have Bruce Tarbet coming along to talk to us on the topic of Falkirk Asylum Speakers. If you remember, as a church we donated a lot of goods pre-Christmas 2022 for these asylum seekers. Our church was very generous in its giving. So, it will be interesting to get an update.
Can You help?
A group of young male asylum seekers in Dundee are in desperate need of Winter clothes and shoes, phone chargers, new underwear and socks, toiletries, ruck sacks/ similar bags. Contact Liz P. or Lyndsey for more info.
Keeping you in the Loop October ‘23
Dear Guild Members,
John and I are off on a ‘last minute’ holiday, before Winter starts and I become very involved with organising our warm space and social club – ‘The Hub’.
You can imagine that booking a holiday less than two weeks before going on a European holiday has been a bit hectic. However, passports – tick, insurance – tick, euros – tick, suitcases packed – tick, plane tickets – tick, sun cream – tick, etc., etc.
Also – opportunity to wear my Arran Pier Charity Shop dress – tick.
Our Livestream of the Guild Annual Gathering was yet again a great success and anyone who decided to come along for a short time or the whole day would have found it well worth the bother. The singing was wonderful as were the talks especially from Jason Leitch and the Moderator. Grateful thanks to both Sue and Joyce who ably facilitated the event. Much appreciated.
We had quite a few members of other Guild who came along to share the experience – from Muthill, Crieff, St Blanes and Dunblane Cathedral.
John and I are sad to miss Heather’s presentation about her trip to the Holy Land. We did a similar trip to Israel way back in 2012. It was a very special experience in our lives and something we think about often. There are many times when we are read the bible when we can imagine ourselves walking the same route Jesus took when he travelled down into Jerusalem; walking down into Jerusalem; being at the pool of Siloam; or sailing on the Sea of Galilee or being there surrounded by olive trees in the garden of Gethsemane. So many memories, and I am sure that what Heather has to share with you will be very special.
Dorothy wanted me to point out that some of the information given about the 2nd November meeting was not entirely clear. The monies collected from our donations to the produce sale will go to projects.
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 5th October at 2pm – Heather McDonald will talk about her trip to the Holy Land.
Sunday 15th October after church – Bacon Roll and Cake Fundraiser for Blythwood Care to help fund the sending of boxes to recipients abroad.
Wednesday 18th October at 2.30 pm at Muthill Parish Church. The speaker is the retiring national Convener, Helen Eckford who will tell us about her recent visit to Malawi.
Thursday 2nd November at 2pm – Speaker from Scottish Charity Air Ambulance plus produce sales table for Guild Projects.
Thursday 9th November – Guild Whist at 7.30pm.
Thursday 7th December – Guild Christmas Party in the Church Hall.
This ‘Keeping You in the Loop’ is a wee bit shorter than usual.
We hope to see a good turnout at our first meeting of this session on 5th October and please do try to see if you can encourage a friend or neighbour to come along to any of our meetings. There is no charge during the first year of attendance at Guild meetings and our speakers always like to see a good turnout.
Pat Duncan, Ardoch Church of Scotland Guild Secretary.
Keeping you in the Loop September ‘23
Dear Guild Members,
I’m just back from spending a wonderful week on Arran with John and Kirsty. Arran is where John’s family spent a month in a holiday house each Summer when he was wee and right up and into his teenage years.
So, for him this was a nostalgia trip revisiting “weel kent“places. However, no more climbing up to Coire Lochan or hill walking through Sannox Glen and up and over the saddle into Glen Rosa for the wet underfoot trek into Brodick. However, with distilleries to visit and whisky to purchase and Arran Aromatics and Arran cheese to bring home – all in all it was a good week. One of my highlights was that Kirsty decided she was going to give me a holiday from cooking meals and so out of the seven evenings I had to cook only two meals. An absolute boon.
Another ‘find’ was when we visited the charity shop (fundraising for Ayrshire Hospice) at Brodick Pier. I found a box of Mozart’s 51 Symphonies, unopened and priced £2 that delighted John. I also found some brilliant puzzles to add to my collection of Hub Mega quizzes.
Since returning home I’ve begun a piece of patchwork. I have had a pile of old cotton patterned trousers that are past their best. One pair has an elastic waistband that has totally deteriorated (which indicates how old the garment is) and the fabric has faded (a quick look inside the pockets reveals the original colour) and of course the inevitable “doesn’t fit anymore”. I often replace zips and buttons, take up hems to turn dresses into tunics etc, etc. Most of the garments I have get lots of wear. Some are demoted to painting or gardening gear. Some end up going to a charity shop and when I am there I look around for a possible addition to my wardrobe. I do not often find something suitable but when I do make a find it gets worn to bits.
So, when in the Arran Charity shop I found an absolutely lovely dress and I am desperate to wear it now that I have made alterations (pockets removed and hem up). I just need the right occasion to show it off.
Guild Week 9th – 17th September
Saturday 9th September : We are Livestreaming the Guild Annual Gathering from Edinburgh, to Ardoch Church Hall 10.30am to approximately 3pm .
The Annual Gathering officially starts at 11am but we are opening for coffee at 10.30am especially since we are expecting visitors from other local Guilds to join us. This is an opportunity for us to meet up with member of other guilds and chat as well as enjoying the gathering schedule. You can come along for an hour or a morning or afternoon or indeed for a full day.
During the morning session the national convener will review her year; Moderator, Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton will share some personal reflections with us ; there will be some interaction with some livestream venues and news and intimations will be given.
After the lunch break Guest speaker Prof Jason Leach (who was on our screens regularly during covid) will talk and the ‘Govan Songters’ will provide some entertainment. There will be a lot of hymn singing (wonderful singers joined us from Crieff last year and helped to raise the roof!).
We have booklets containing everything you need to help you enjoy the proceedings and…..
the event will be catered with a light lunch.
So, come along and support this event; enjoy the company, the singing, and all that is being livestreamed from Edinburgh.
Thursday 14th September at 2 – 4pm in the church hall: We are hosting an afternoon of ‘Naughty but Nice Tasty Treats’. This event is a fundraiser (entry by donation) for Guild projects so please come along and bring a friend – or two or three!
Sunday 24th September is the Guild Rededication. My intimation in the last ‘Keeping you in the Loop was inaccurate. Our minister is not available on the Sunday at the end of Guild Week. She is very keen to do our rededication so the 24th is the best date. My apologies for you having to change that date in your diaries.
Thursday October 5th at 2pm our Guild President Heather McDonald is to show slides about her trip to Galilee, Jerusalem and Nazareth. We would like to invite members of the congregation to come along to this talk – and bring a friend.
Sunday 15th October we are having an after-church bacon rolls brunch with cake. This is a fundraiser for Blythwood Care.
Hopefully you will have seen details about the annual Blythwood Appeal in The Link. Ann Speirs and Pat Anderson will have covered boxes and make them available in the church for you to fill well before the November date for collection. In the meantime, they are asking that you start collecting appropriate bits and pieces to fill your box when the time comes eg toothpaste, candles, combs, sweets, make-up, underwear, small toys, soap and pencils.
Thursday 2nd November is an open Guild meeting when members from other Guilds will be invited to come along. We are having the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance coming to update us about their work.
At this meeting there will also be a Produce Sale and we are hopeful that you will be able to contribute something to the sales table. All monies raised at this meeting will go to the Scottish Charity Air Ambulance so please be generous in your giving.
Time Capsule:
Ardoch in Bloom, who organised the rebuilding of the wall south of the village are to have a cairn built with a plaque to commemorate. It is proposed that a time capsule be placed within the cairn and the Guild, along with others have been asked if we would like to provide something appropriate to include within the capsule. The Guild Committee have been giving this some thought and we hope to collect some relevant items to include.
June 2023
Dear Guild Members,
I cannot believe that June is already here. I am struggling to get to grips with the garden. In recent months I have not been giving it the attention it needs but never-the-less we have had a colourful abundance of Spring flowers. Of course, now that the garden has become lush and verdant I am realising that beside and beneath all that is blooming there are weeds lurking unpulled.
Towards the end of March I noticed many sycamore seedlings had appeared on the gravelled drive and throughout the garden. After each shower more seedlings appeared and those I did not find and remove went on to produce second leaves and began to produce strong roots in an attempt to establish themselves.
I am reminded of all those things I could do now but leave until tomorrow; all the times I complain; the bad habits that become more regular when left unchecked; the times I heave a sigh when faced with domestic chores etc. The list goes on and on.
I must admit I felt a bit overwhelmed when I started in late spring to work in the garden in earnest but like most things it is the regular gardener who sees the difference and keeps everything in check. It gradually has become so much better and stands up to closer inspection.
It is the same with the way we live our lives. We need to be on top of things to prevent the incursion of ‘weeds’ in our lives. Of course, identifying those bad habits and dealing with them is another matter – and some bad habits have deep roots!
The solution – go to God in prayer!
Pat Duncan.
In church and at home over the past few weeks we have been asked to make use of the Kingdom Come ‘Novena’ and Prayer Journal to amongst other things pray for 5 individuals to come to know Christ.
On Sunday 11th June it is ‘Blythwood Sunday’ where we are being asked as individuals, and particularly churches, to remember Blythwood’s work on that day.
2023 marks the 30th anniversary of the Shoe Box Appeal. In 1993, 300 shoeboxes went out and in 2022, 90,000 boxes were sent to people in need across Europe. We in Braco and in Blackford, on a regular basis, contribute to the work of Blythwood Care especially with the filling of shoeboxes for distribution to those in need.
On 14th June we are being asked by Blythwood Care to pray about their work. I have attached a copy of their 12 point prayer list which gives you an idea of the topics they wish us to pray about. We all know how important prayer is. We all know how important the work of Blythwood Care is….. so let us do what we can over the Summer to pray over this amazing charity.
Tea Party
Saturday 10th June at in Braco Hall from 2.30pm onwards. Who doesn’t like a tea party with entertainment and lots of lovely things to eat?
Ardoch Amateur Dramatic Society are inviting the senior citizens of Braco and Greenloaning (that’s ME! and probably YOU!) to join them for a Tea Party. Not too late to give your name in at the shop.
Guild East Gathering – date change:
A reminder from Doreen Stewart that the East Gathering is coming up on Tuesday 13 June 2023 at Auchterarder Parish Church Centre.
*Let me know as soon as possible if you intend to attend this Gathering so that I can give Doreen our numbers coming from Ardoch Guild (01786880877). Heather and I are going so we may be able to offer transport – get in touch if you would like a lift.
Please arrive at 12.30 pm and bring a packed lunch. Tea/coffee and cake will be provided.
The meeting will be taken by Karen Gillon and her team. There will music from Edith Toth, World Day of Prayer, as well as a short talk from Peter Vardy about his charity work.
ADT Community Open Day in the Village Hall – Saturday 24th June.
This event, as far as I understand, is a vehicle to let the community know the results of the ADT questionnaire that everyone in the village was encouraged to fill in.
Different clubs and groups in the village are to have tables/stalls aimed at providing information about their group, answer questions about their particular activity and hopefully gain new members/support.
There will also be Morning Coffee (provided by Ardoch Church Outreach Team) and, I believe, Afternoon Tea (courtesy of The Rural).
The Outreach Team would benefit from baking contributed by our Guild members. Please do get in touch with either Heather (01786880556) or Barbara (01786880509) to let them know you are willing and able to do some baking for this event. Of course, you may also feel obliged to help out if you are a member of The Rural. This is our chance to help make this community event a great success.
The Guild Committee has met and are busy making plans for the new session.
It might be interesting for you to know how Ardoch Church of Scotland Guild funds were distributed during session 22/23.
£100 to Church of Scotland ‘Crossreach’.
£50 to Mary’s Meals.
£500 to Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeal DEC.
£100 to World Day of Prayer.
£68 to Malawi Cyclone
£100 to Ardoch Church re Portable Keyboard.
£200 to Guild Project Pioneers UK ‘Chocolate Heaven’.
£200 to Guild Project ‘Home for Good’.
£100 to the ‘Malawi Tree Project’.
£100 to the Salvation Army.
£100 to the Red Cross.
Well done to everyone for all your hard work and effort that has gone into fundraising for these worthy causes.
The Guild Theme 2023/24: ‘New wine, new wine skins’
Guild week this year is from 9th – 17th September.
A few dates for your diary:
Saturday 9th September: Once again we are to host a livestream of the Guild Annual Gathering in the Assembly Hall in Edinburgh into Ardoch Church Hall in Braco. It was a great success last year and we therefore are encouraged to do it again. The day will probably start at 10.30am since the Gathering in Edinburgh begins at 11am. We intend to cater the event with tea, coffee, homebaking and a light lunch. Invites are going out to various Guilds in our locality, and it is hoped we will have a good crowd to join in the proceedings.
On Thursday 14th September we are planning a ‘Naughty but Nice’ afternoon – an indulgent sampling of new naughty but nice food and beverages.
Sunday 17th September – rededication service.
Conveners Challenge 22/23.
You will remember from past ‘Keeping You in the Loops’ that we need your photo/s of your wonderful display in a pot, tub or window box by the end of June. Hopefully the Guild Committee will have a few photos from which to choose the photo we send on to the next stage of this competition.
After Church Teas and Coffees
Please do put your name down to help out with after church teas and coffees. Only 8 persons are needed to fulfil this task monthly. There is no need for you to do any baking – biscuits are provided. This is an income for the Guild – a fundraiser. Please step up to the plate and volunteer.
Braco Show – I’ve ticked 12 things in the industrial section I would like to attempt to do – so far. I think by the time I submit my entry form reality may enter my thinking!
That’s all for now folks! Enjoy this wonderful weather.
April 2023
Dear Guild Members,
The World Day of Prayer
Prior to moving the Friday WDP into our syllabus it was felt the event was not well attended. Since becoming one of our meetings the attendance rate has not improved. WDP was something we in the Guild wanted to support but is it time to think again? Is it an either an important event to support – or is it not?
This year it was about praying for Taiwan and especially the women of Taiwan. Christianity is a minority religion in Taiwan – one of many that co-exist together.
The women of Taiwan prepared the text for year’s booklet. Those who come along to the meeting have the opportunity to take part in different ways. However, folks do come along and simply join in the hymn singing, listen as the story unfolds, and learn about the experience of Christian women who have written the text. We also encourage donating to WDP.
Please think and pray about this issue. We seldom get anyone from the general congregation joining us for the WDP. Why is this? Perhaps we don’t do enough in advance to let Guild members and congregation know what the WDP event is all about.
Conveners Challenge
You may remember that I mentioned the 22/23 Conveners Challenge in the November ‘Keeping You in the Loop’. The Challenge this year is about growing and is in keeping with the theme of Wee Seeds, Big Trees’
Guild members are being asked to produce a pot, tub or window box. Take several phots of your arrangement at different times to capture it at its best and submit your photo before June 30th. Ardoch Guild Committee will endeavour to select one photo from those submitted to go forward to the next stage in the competition. Photos to Pat Duncan at
The Holy Land
Ardoch Guild President Heather Macdonald has just returned from a visit to the Holy Land. She described her experience as ‘epic’ and I am sure we will hear all about it in due time.
Guild Afternoon Tea with Ardoch Strings
Another very successful and entertaining afternoon from Fiona Chalamanda’s wee violinists. It was a good idea to have them play in the church as it gave them and the audience much more space. We didn’t charge anything for the afternoon tea but left a bowl out for any donations. Donations in the end amounted to £72.25. We made a decision to ask Fiona if she would like £68 for the Ardoch Strings fund but she said she was well supported by ADT. However, she thought that if we were agreeable she would donate the money to the Malawi Cyclone appeal and that was agreed.
A big thank you to Maureen who knitted little chicks for each participant (containing an Easter egg). Thanks are also due to the Guild Committee and others who planned, set-up, served and baked for the event. Also thanks to all members who attended the event and gave so generously.
Dorothy Johnston, Ardoch Guild Treasurer.
And from Fiona Chalamanda:
I wanted to thank the Guild again for donating their proceeds from Thursday towards dealing with the aftermath of the dreadful Cyclone Freddy in Malawi. On the day I received the donation of £68 I received a message from a family who used to work for my parents, whose children I grew up with. They sent photos of damage to their crops, house and farm buildings. I will send them the Guild donation and Dad and I will add a bit to top it up. This should help them with basic repairs and to buy chicks to rear and sell as they have lost this year’s harvest. |
‘Celebrating Carole King Concert’
Many thanks to members of the Guild who agreed to sell tickets for Kirsty’s Concert that took place on Saturday 25th March. She offered to give 20% of the ticket sales to the Guild recognising how difficult it can be to persuade people to buy tickets up front. However, there was a good turnout and the Guild were given a donation of £140 for Guild funds.
The audience was very appreciative of the bands efforts and seemed to really enjoy the performance. We were entertained by Sam who is a wonderful pianist. Folks who have attended Kirsty’s concerts in Auchterarder are familiar with Sam’s playing. Noah Chalamanda greatly enhanced the performance with his percussion and the two backing singers – Clair and John – made the sound a fuller and richer with their backing vocals. John Duncan at the ripe age of 75 has embarked on a new career?
The Hub is Changing to an Afternoon Social Club
The consensus decision of regular Hub visitors with the coming of Spring is to change some arrangements for The Hub. From Tuesday 4th April we will no longer provide a lunch and will meet from 1 – 3pm with teas, coffees and home baking available as well as some afternoon entertainment. This arrangement will continue until it is felt not to be needed. Hopefully, we will pick up again in the Autumn. Most of those who come along enjoy the company and having a chat with friends. If you are available to pop in any afternoon – then please do – because it is really lovely to have different people with whom to meet and chat.
Sign-up sheet for after church tea/coffees
There is now a new sign-up sheet in the kitchen for the provision of after Church teas/ coffees and biscuits. There is no need to provide baking and you don’t need to be au fait with water heater or dish washer. Many of our Guild members are involved with doing door duty or working on the IT desk in church so please offer to help out when you can.
April Guild Meeting & AGM
In April we welcome a speaker from Pioneers UK who are sending a speaker to share with us about the work they do reaching forgotten peoples. Reading about this charity’s ‘Chocolate Heaven’ venture is very exciting – and I believe they are now selling their chocolate in the UK. I just hope they bring some samples for us to try/buy!
Lunch outing on 4th May to The Gallery Restaurant, Forth Valley College. Lunch is at 12.30pm. Pat Duncan has the names of Guild members who are able to provide transportation. Please make arrangements for transportation at our April Meeting.
Happy Birthday!
A special mention for Nettie who turned 90 on 27th March. We wish her all the best and hope she had a wonderful birthday.
Also Happy Birthday to Barbara on 3rd April.
Please pray for all students at local secondary schools who are now preparing for exams following the school Easter holiday.
Reminder of Guild Committee meeting on Thursday 11th May 2.30pm in the Church Hall. Hope the time suits everyone – immediately after choir practise for some!!!
Keeping You in the Loop March 2023
Dear Guild Members,
I am sure you have all witnessed the devastation caused by 2 powerful earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. At present the news is reporting some 45,000 deaths and many more suffering serious injury. It is so difficult to get my head around the amount of help that is needed by the survivors when there are so many injured, so many homeless and living without shelter in sub-zero temperatures. So many digging at the rubble with their bare hands hoping to find loved ones underneath. We see the anguish, confusion and bewilderment on the faces of adults and children as they try to cope with what is a dreadful situation of losing people they love and everything they possess. Children who no longer have parents; spouses who have lost partners, mass graves being filled with the dead.
The news is relentless as it comes through our television screens into our living rooms.
It would be so easy to turn the TV off as we reach saturation point. However, I feel the need to share the pain; to take on board the agony to feel the suffering in some capacity in order to find a way to empathise and think of how I personally can help.
Although the situation seems overwhelming there are things that can be done and there are agencies, on the ground, who can alleviate some of the suffering – if they are provided with the means.
Recently the Guild Committee, after assessing our imminent outgoings to Guild projects, decided to donate £500 from Guild Funds to the DEC Turkey/Syria Earthquake Appeal on behalf of Ardoch Guild.
Pat Duncan.
Ardoch Church Fundraising Team has provided a monetary collection box at church. It is hoped that everyone will give generously to provide relief needed in the aftermath of this horrific earthquake in Turkey/Syria.
“I Have Heard About Your Faith”
Our Guild meeting on 2nd March at 2pm will be the World Day of Prayer.
We have booklets to guide us through our worship. All ‘parts’ have been allocated so do come along and participate in the responses and general singing.
This particular WDP has been prepared by women and young women of Taiwan.
Guild Spring Afternoon Tea with Ardoch Strings Thursday 23rd March
This is an event that we have not been able to host for a few years because of Covid restrictions. In the interim the group of violinists has grown both in numbers and experience under Fiona Chalamanda’s tutelege.
At 2pm we are to provide tea/coffee and cake for parents and relatives of the children. We would offer a warm welcome to all those within the community who wish to attend and encourage these young violinists. The children come to Ardoch Church to perform hot from their performances at ‘Perform in Perth’ (dance, speech and music festival) earlier in the month. Do come along to provide a splendid audience for these young performers.
At 3pm the Ardoch Strings performance will take place in the Church.
Kirsty Duncan Presents…..
‘Celebrating Carole King’ Concert
on Saturday 25th March in Braco Village Hall at 7.30pm. BYOB.
Kirsty is coming to Braco Village Hall to perform Carole King’s ‘Tapestry’ album and also to sing the many other popular songs that Carole King has written over many decades for other singers eg ‘It’s Too Late’, ‘Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow’. ‘Natural Woman’, ‘The Locomotion’ and ‘You’ve Got a Friend’.
Come along and hear some of the most iconic songs ever written!
The Guild will benefit from 20% of ticket sales for this concert.
Guild Outing for Lunch 4th May 23
A tentative ‘reservation’ for 20 guests has been made for Lunch at The Gallery Restaurant (Forth Valley College) on Thursday 4th May at 12.30pm.
The Forth Valley College is a training establishment who rely on bookings being honoured. Therefore, they have asked that we firm up our booking as soon as possible.
Please contact Pat Duncan (01786 880 877) to say whether or not you can manage to this event before or on the date of the next Guild meeting on 2nd March. It would be lovely if we could have a good turnout of Guild members to bring our 22/23 session to a conclusion with a social occasion.
Food Bank Donations
Charles Robertson reported recently that the food bank box was full again. The contents were delivered to the Blue Door at Auchterarder. The co-ordinator and helpers were so grateful to receive the donations and thank Ardoch Parish Church Congregation for their continued support.
Thinking of you!
We think often and pray for Isabel, Nancy and Nettie and our hope is that they are comfortable, pain free and still enjoying receiving the Loop. Dorothy’s hand is improving and now in need of physio and Anne G’s broken arm is much better but she is still suffering with a very painful hand.
Dates for the Diary just came in…
Friday 10 March 2023
Annual Business Meeting, Scone Old Parish Church Hall – 12 noon
Lunch will be provided at a cost of £4 each. Please give your name to Pat D. so that she can let Doreen Stewart know how many people from our Guild will attend.
Also on Friday 10 March 2023 the Heart and Soul Swing Band will be performing in Auchterarder Parish Church. All are welcome and a poster giving information is attached.
Tuesday 13 June 2023
East Gathering, Auchterarder Parish Church – 12.30 pm
Details of this event will be issued by Karen Gillon
Plastic Milk bottle tops
A reminder that Dorothy continues to collect all your plastic milk bottle tops. They are recycled by a firm in the Scottish Borders who make fleece garments etc.
Stamps – please let Liz Paterson have all your used stamps. Please leave a margin around the stamps.
Keeping You in the Loop February 2023
Dear Guild Members,
While away from home sunning myself and relaxing on Lanzarote I was aware of that lovely feeling of leaving everything behind, especially the bad weather. Back home the pavements were treacherous and the weather cold and at times miserable, as you all know. I found myself on a constant routine of collecting firewood from the log-store, putting out bins, clearing the car windscreen and spreading grit on paths to name but a few of the winter chores that needed to be done. It was indeed wonderful for a couple of weeks to be sitting or walking about in the sun, swimming in a heated pool, sitting outdoors drinking coffee or eating an ice cream and preparing salads and baguettes rather than soups and stews.
As the holiday was drawing to a close my mind did start to return to home and Braco. There was a certain amount of trepidation about returning to a cold Scottish Winter. However, I found that the holiday had worked wonders and I felt quite refreshed and ready to return home.
We all need periods of refreshment. Sometimes it can simply be a change of routine, a fitness regime or regularly meeting up with friends or family visits that can reinvigorate us. It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the many tasks that can burden us. Perhaps it’s the Winter weather that cuts us off from society by making us think twice about leaving our homes when there is snow and ice to contend with out of doors.
Inevitably Winter will turn to Spring. Making plans and having something to look forward to is often all we need to cheer us up and give us hope that things will change for the better.
All good wishes,
Guild meetings:
Thursday 2nd February at 2pm Guild meeting with speaker Duncan Shelton who is coming to share with us about ‘Home for Good’. This is a Guild Project whose aim is to work together with the Church of Scotland to find a home for every child who needs one in Scotland. Around 11.000 children are currently being looked after in Scotland. ‘Home for Good’ seeks to find a home for every child who needs one through fostering, adoption and supported lodgings.
Thursday 2nd March at 2pm Guild Meeting ‘World Day of Prayer’ at 2pm.
Date for your diary: Thursday 9th February The church Fundraising Team are organising a Whist Drive in the church Hall. It would be encouraging to have a good turnout.
There was a vote at the January Guild meeting to postpone the Guild outing to the Auchterarder Golf Club.
Our best wishes go to Dorothy and Anne Graham who have both recently experienced nasty falls. We wish them relief from their painful injuries and a full recovery.
Keeping You in the Loop January 2023
Dear Guild Members,
Christmas and New Year are a time of great celebration for all whether it is the holiday with some time off work; partying; getting together with friends and family and perhaps hitting the sales – if you have money left to spend! However, it can also be a time of sadness as we reflect on and remember those who are no longer with us.
For Christians, Christmas is a special time of joy as we celebrate the birth of our Lord but it is also the beginning of a journey that takes us to Easter. A special journey with a route map, taking us towards a destination which affirms our hope and belief in all that God has promised. Jesus’ death and resurrection means that we know that death is not the end for those who believe….. and that truly is something to be celebrated.
I am in the middle of packing for a journey – one that will take John and I to sunnier climes for a couple of weeks during this wet, cold January. No matter what trials our life brings the things we ‘pack’ have to be meaningful. In my analogy my holiday would not be so successful if I forgot to pack sun cream, spare knickers, my passport or some euros. It is the same with our Christian journey. We need protection from misfortune (come as it will), guidance (to help us navigate a route), faith and love of our God our fellow man and concern for God’s world and for the local community where we live.
I wish all of you a very Happy New Year and hope that next year is a good one for one and all.
All good wishes,
Guild Meeting 5th January 23. Irene McLaughlan of Blackford Crafters is to come to our Guild to demonstrate the making of paper flowers. It is hoped that members will have a successful crafting session following her instructions and will have something lovely to take home as a result of their labour.
There will also be a sales table for projects so bring along any unwanted Christmas gifts etc.
The Guild Lunch at Auchterarder Golf Club has been postponed until the better weather in the Spring.
Guild Meeting 2nd February 23. ‘Home for Good’ is one of our Guild Projects and we look forward to hearing more about this charity.
Keeping You in the Loop December 2022
Dear Guild Members,
The word advent seemingly comes from the Latin term adventus meaning “arrival” or “coming”, particularly the coming of something having great importance. The Advent season, then, is a time of joy-filled, anticipatory celebration and preparation for the arrival of Jesus Christ. Both” arrival” and “coming” are not passive but doing words. Jesus Christ throughout this season expects us also to be doing. We can give in an insular way to our families and friends – but we need to try thinking out of the box. Giving what we can to charities so that they are able to look after the vulnerable, wherever they are, and looking to do what we can within our community for those in need. We often don’t know who is in need in our community. People don’t often advertise their need.
It was lovely seeing our Christmas tree in the Church and the Church Hall all lit up and both looking very festive.
When Advent Calendars start on 1st December this might cause a few, who use our Church Hall, to ask why we have our Hall decorated ‘early’ but the actual season of Advent can be between 22 -28 days, and this year it is the latter because Christmas Day is on a Sunday.
I am sure the parents and children who come into ‘The Hub’ after school will be delighted by our decorated hall. However, who will be there to answer the questions about what our motivation is for this project? That it’s about reaching out to our community and giving.
The Hub has got off to a good start but we are hopeful that it will provide for needs of different sorts wherever these needs are to be found. It’s more than a cup of tea/ coffee and some home baking but a place where you can bring friends and chat or engage in some activity – whether it is reading a newspaper, building a jigsaw, playing scrabble or dominoes – or bringing along knitting. The Hub a social area –where you can interact with others – a place of afternoon entertainment, a place where the Guild can continue to do what they do best – give! Give of your time, your love for others and talent for hospitality and make this venture a success within this community of ours.
Pat Duncan.
Christmas Lunch
There will be no Guild meeting in the church hall on Thursday 1st December. We have booked Christmas lunch at the Westlands Hotel in Dunblane: 12 for 12.30pm – we have organised a ‘surprise’ which we hope everyone will enjoy.
Please arrange to travel in friendship groups.
Sales Table fundraiser
The produce table at our last meeting raised £208. The table was laden with all sorts of goodies and we are grateful to all who donated their produce. We are also thankful that many members decided to buy the produce. Doubly generous! The total generated by the sales table was £208
An Invite from Auchterarder Guild:
The following invitation came from Auchterarder Parish Church Guild. If you would like to go along to this event please contact Pat Duncan 01786 880 877 so that transport can be arranged and numbers of those going can be given.
“Dear Friends
You are warmly invited to attend Auchterarder Parish Church Guild Open Meeting, on Thursday, 1st December, at 7.30pm in the church centre.
The Rev Anne Stott will be speaking about her developing work as a pioneer minister.
I do hope some of your members will be able to join us, and look forward to hearing from you.”
Guild Soup and Sweet
Many thanks to the Guild Committee who prepared soups and sweets for this event which was held after the church service on Sunday 20th November. We also have to thanks members of the congregation who supported this event. The cash raised is going to The Church of Scotland Crossreach and amounted to £85.75p which was made up to a round £100 from Guild funds.
‘The Music of Christmas’
Celebration Concert with Kirsty and John Duncan
Blackford Church, Saturday 17th December, 7.30pm, £7 (under 18’s free).
Refreshments Included
Contact Sandy 682354 / Laura 682243 or Pay on the door.
Birthdays – Happy birthday to both Marrion Dawson 22/11 and Liz Paterson 27/11.
Ardoch Online – here is a quote from the Guild Week Newsletter:
“One of the real bonuses of modern technology is the opportunity for those unable to come in person to join us at the Annual Gathering. We loved being able to link up with Ardoch Guild who meet in Braco. They hosted with their own Guild and with folks from Guilds nearby. By all accounts they had a great day of fun, fellowship and food”.
Auchterarder Golf Club Lunch Outing
There will be a menu and proforma available at the January meeting of the Guild on the 5th January so that you can sign-up for lunch at Auchterarder Golf Club on !9th January at 1pm. Maureen and Dorothy will be collating your menu choices to hand in to AGC so please make sure you give them your details.
Please make arrangements to travel in friendship groups.
We may (or may not) have a craft activity at the 5th January Guild meeting. It’s a bit ‘up in the air’ at present but we will have something worked out by the January meeting.
Keeping You in the Loop November 2022
Dear Guild Members,
Listening to the a-ma-zing worship taking place at the recent Guild Annual Gathering livestreamed from Edinburgh into our Church Hall was so uplifting. The 20+ Guild members who attended the livestream event were certainly joining in and praising the Lord with great gusto. We had 4 members from Crieff Guild who were certainly helping us to ‘raise the roof!
Singing is so therapeutic. Not only is it an aerobic activity but it reputedly lifts our spirits and helps our mental health. Music and singing are also known to be a vehicle for emotional release.
I know that the Guild Annual Gathering and ‘Big Sing’ have volume on their side because of numbers but we can still make ‘a joyous noise to the Lord’ with a smaller congregation.
The Bible is clear that we were created by God in order to bring Him glory. ‘The ultimate purpose of man (humanity), therefore, is to glorify God’ (Isaiah 43:7).
So why don’t we gie it laldy?
That would be amazing!
Blythswood Care
We have had a very eventful October with our first meeting of the session starting with welcoming Kate Clements to update us on Blythswood Care and especially about her time in Hungary where she helped give out Blythswood boxes to needy recipients. There were lots of questions asked of her about the charity and I am hoping that her talk inspired members to pick up Christmas boxes to fill. Please try to complete your boxes asap but certainly soon after this November newsletter is out – and any single items and cash donated will be gratefully received by both Pat Anderson and Ann Spiers.
Guild Diaries £3.50p – Orders to Pat D. at the 3rd November meeting – sign the proforma circulating at the meeting and Pat will place an order.
Guild Annual Gathering Livestream
Our Guild Livestreaming of the Guild Annual Gathering the committee felt was a great success. The IT ladies – Christine, Sue and Maureen – were excellent. They not only manage to get us online to view the proceedings in Edinburgh but also organised the gathering to zoom in on us at Ardoch Church Hall where we were seen by the Gathering and Heather answered a few questions during the morning – and they zoomed in on us later on to see how the catered lunch had been enjoyed. They seemed very interested in the soups we had on offer and our traybakes to follow. We were joined for the day by four ladies from Crieff who seemed to enjoy the proceedings and I must say that they were excellent singers!
The rail strike meant that the event in Edinburgh started a wee bit later than advertised. However, that was not a problem as we all enjoyed being able to chat for a little longer and enjoy our tea/coffee and items baked for the occasion.
The committee have to be thanked for providing the soup, bread rolls and baking for this event. However, more especially, the IT team deserve grateful thanks for enabling this event to take place.
Guild Afternoon Tea
The Guild Afternoon tea took place on Thursday 13th October 2-4pm. There were 40+ attendees and they were not entirely from Braco but also came from other Guilds in the vicinity – Auchterarder, Crieff and Muthill. Nearly all of the folks who came stayed put and chatted the afternoon away. There was a lovely atmosphere – a great buzz.
The baking provided by the Guild Committee was our usual lovely spread of goodies (would you believe – 5 different varieties of scones!). The Committee also excelled in making the Church Hall warm and welcoming.
Thank you all for coming along to help make this event such a success.
£280.40p was fundraised for Guild Projects.
3rd November Guild Meeting.
Our minister Mairi Perkins will come and share with us about her visit to the Oberammerguau Passion Play. This is an open meeting and other Guilds have been invited to come along.
There will be a sales table of Guild produce and I am very much looking forward to buying at least one of Maureen’s lovely autumnal woolly veggies (but I mustn’t be greedy); wondering if Sheila will have some of her wonderful jam on sale; perhaps tablet from Heather or Anne’s brownies! Hey! There is so much ‘produce’ I am looking forward to buying, sharing and enjoying!
Our Guild projects will benefit from our bringing and buying.
Guilds Together Event
There is to be a Guild Advent Celebration in Perth North Church on Friday 25 November 2022 at 2.30 pm.
Guild Christmas Lunch Thursday 1st December
The Committee are looking at the possibility of Ardoch Guild going OUT for a Christmas Lunch this year instead of our usual inhouse Christmas Party. More info at our November 3rd Guild Meeting.
Green Canopy for Malawi
As part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration, groups and individuals were asked to help plant a green canopy in Malawi to serve as a lasting reminder of the celebrations and to help in a very positive way to tackle climate change.
Following the Queen’s death, this green canopy will now become a lasting tribute to her service both to Scotland and to the wider Commonwealth. Malawi, is a country where deforestation and climate change is having a disproportionate impact on the poorest people.
It is hoped that Guilds and individuals will consider donating to this canopy. Each tree will cost £5 so we are hoping that Ardoch Guild will be able to be a part of this memorial which would make a huge impact on the lives of our sisters and brothers in Malawi.
Conveners Challenge 22/23
In keeping with the theme for 22/23 Wee Seeds, Big Trees, the Conveners Challenge this year will be about growing. This is a challenge for all Guild members – to produce a pot, tub or window basket. Present your photo of your arrangement (take several photos as your arrangement progresses so you capture it at its best).
From the photos submitted by Ardoch Guild members the Ardoch Guiid Committee will choose the one considered the best and then it will be submitted to the next stage of the competition.
Date for submission of entries to our Ardoch Guild Committee at Ardoch will be Friday 30th June. Put the Date in your diary if you hope to take part in the challenge
October 2022
Dear Guild Members,
My head feels a wee bit like a peerie coping with all our recent changes and picking up on things that were postponed due to the death and mourning of our sovereign Queen Elizabeth.
No doubt you too have been confused by all these changes but I hope that you will be able to amend the entries in your diaries and come along to the following events we have rescheduled.
Pat Duncan.
The Guild Rededication Service on Sunday 25th September was well received. Guild members participated in the service and our Guild President delivered a reflection based on our Guild motto – ‘Whose we are and Whom we serve’.Ardoch Guild members are very grateful for the continuing encouragement given to us by our minister Mairi Perkins. We thank her for enabling this service to take place and for rededicating our Guild.
Community Lunches
The Outreach Team are to begin their wonderful Community Lunches on Friday 30th September at 12 noon. Come along and enjoy food and fellowship. There is always a lovely convivial atmosphere at these lunches.
Blythswood Care Update
The first meeting of the new session is on Thursday 6th October at 2pm. We will be having Kate Clements from Blythswood Care come share with us about the work of that charity and especially about her time in Hungary when she witnessed and helped to distribute Blythswood Christmas boxes to grateful recipients. For many years Pat Anderson and Ann Speirs have enthusiastically encouraged Guild members and other members of the community to contribute filled shoeboxes and /or items for this charity. Kate’s update will surely have us keen to help once more and she intends to bring along copies of lists of items to put into shoeboxes. Since we only have about 6 weeks before the Christmas boxes have to be delivered to Crieff (16th November – but Pat and Ann may want our contributions sooner!) we might start to buy a few items in readiness.
Livestreaming of the Guild Annual Gathering
The postponed Guild Annual Gathering is now taking place on Saturday 8th October in the Church Hall. We will start as previously stated at 10am with tea/coffee and the Gathering will commence Livestream at 10.30am, finishing at approximately 3.30pm.
A light lunch is offered at 12.30pm and the lunch break will last until the Gathering resumes at 2pm. This lunch break sounds like a good excuse for a lengthy chatting session!
Rescheduled Guild Afternoon Tea
Due to the postponement of our Guild Afternoon Tea which was scheduled to take place on 15th September we have decided to cancel our Autumn outing and have an Afternoon Tea on that date instead – Thursday 13th October 2-4pm. Please invite and bring along friends, family and neighbours to this event which is a fundraiser for Guild Projects.
The Committee will look at the possibility of another date for the Autumn Outing but it will probably not be in October.
Ardoch Guild Open Meeting
Our Minister Mairi Perkins will be speaking at our meeting on 3rd November about her experience of going to the Oberammergau Passion Play. Since its first performance in 1634 this play about Jesus’ passion has been performed every 10 years (with a few exceptions) in an open air setting in the village of Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany.
This Guild meeting will be an Open Meeting and invites have gone out to some of our surrounding Guilds in the hope that we will have some visitors attending.
There will be a produce sales table at this meeting on 3rd November and all funds raised will go to Guild Projects. Jams, chutneys, home-made sweets, baking etc. gratefully received.
Keeping You in the Loop September 2022
Dear Guild Members,
The Guild Committee had a meeting on 23rd August with the purpose of completing the syllabus and – among other things – organising Guild Week.
The Syllabus is now complete and it looks very interesting. When the Link comes out you will see a little more detail of what lies ahead from October until December and of course when you receive your copy of the syllabus you will have all the details you need to look further ahead and put dates in your diary.
At our first meeting on October 6th we welcome Kate Clements who is to come and share with us about visiting Hungary to help distribute Blythswood Boxes. Along with Blackford Church we at Ardoch have been involved with this charity for many years and it will be lovely to get an update on the work of Blythswood Care.
We have maintained our membership fee at £20 – that includes capitation fees that go to Guild head office and a contribution to Guild funds. If you manage to bring along someone new to Ardoch Guild please do say that it is Guild policy not to charge a membership fee for the first year of attendance at any or all of our meetings. Hopefully, this might encourage folks to come along to a meeting that is of interest to them and perhaps become a regular visitor.
Details about Guild week – 10th -18th September (inclusive).
Saturday 10th September 10.30am to approximately 3.30pm – we are to Livestream the Guild Annual Gathering from the Assembly Hall in Edinburgh to our Church hall here in Braco.
We intend to start at 10am with tea/coffee and the livestream will start at 10.30am. and continue until approximately 3.30pm (with a catered light lunch break included).
Some of us will want to be present for the complete day. However, the event is such that you are welcome to come and go throughout the day. We appreciate that you may have commitments but do try to come along for a while depending on what is personally possible for you. Invites have been sent to Blackford Church and Comrie, Crieff and Muthill Guilds so hopefully we may have a very chatty lunch break!
I attach the schedule for the Livestream and you will notice that there are no timings given. So, although we know the livestream is to begin at 10.30am the programme will continue until lunchtime is announced. We think that will be for 1 hour. Then the afternoon session will happen. No further information is given to guide us but everything will proceed as per the schedule.
Programmes (containing the schedule) will be available on the day.
We are indebted to our technical team of Christine Souter, Sue Crorie and Maureen James for facilitating this event.
On Sunday 12th September Guild members are encouraged to undertake a random act of kindness today. Take someone for coffee, give an older person a call, make some goodies and give them away. The list of possibilities is endless.
On Thursday 15th September we are to hold an ‘Afternoon Tea’ 2 – 4pm. Please do invite a friend or neighbour along and advertise this Guild fundraiser as much as you can. All monies raised from this event will go to our Guild Projects:
‘Home for Good’ is a Christian charity that is passionate about finding homes for every child who needs one. They work to inspires people to think about fostering and adoption and hopefully they will be able to build and extend their network of volunteers in Scotland.
The second charity is a project run by Pioneers UK who have partnered with ‘Chocolate Heaven’ a small business in south east Asia. The aim is to help them raise awareness of their work and encourage people to support them in prayer, and to enable them to improve and expand the business and bring blessing and hope to the workers, their families and local community.
Guild rededication will take place on Sunday 18th September. You are asked to wear your Guild badge (if you have one). Please meet in the church hall prior to the church service so that we can enter the church as a body and hopefully sit together as a group at the front of the church as we have done in the past. The service is being organised by our President Heather Macdonald and delivered by Guild members.
Guild Outing Thursday 13th October: there will be a sign up sheet at our first meeting of the session (5th October) for those of you who would like to go on the Guild outing to The Scottish Arts and Antiques Centre, Doune where we will have lunch at Cafecirca at 1pm. We intend to meet up at the Village Hall at 12.15pm and travel in cars to the location.
Praying for schools:
Please pray for pupils, students and teachers and all ancillary staff that they settle with ease into school/college routines. We pray especially for the younger pupils who are starting school. Where pupils are to have a new teacher or change school pray that this transition is made easy by all concerned. Pray for our older students who are moving on to tertiary education at college, university and the Glasgow Conservatoire. Pray for parents and guardians that their support and encouragement of their children will bear fruit.
‘Castle Couture at Blair Castle’ Rare dresses – some over 250 years old have been found in the attic of Blair Castle. These exquisitely made outfits were stashed in trunks marked simply “clothes”.
Forgotten for years, they were recently found by a curious member of castle staff, and –incredibly – looked as pristine as the day they were taken off for the last time.
‘Castle Couture at Blair Castle’ runs until 30th October 2022. It might be worth a visit if you can get your act together!
Keeping You in the Loop August 2022
Hi Guild members,
Another month of Summer has gone. For the first time at the age of 71 I have been suffering with hay fever. Smarting eyes and being unable to cope with bright light – even the TV screen has been a problem. I never realised what hay fever sufferers have to cope with. Seemingly, with the hot weather we have been experiencing there has been a surge in hay fever this year. You can imagine for me there has not been a lot of sitting in the garden this Summer.
I often reflect that people are often feel down when faced with news that comes into our living rooms from all corners of the world. It is almost overload as we feel despair about the war of attrition in Ukraine, populations being affected by floods and wild fires, famines because of repeated crop failures, people facing persecution to do with their beliefs, fear of impending price rises in food and fuel etc etc etc. It’s good to be aware of all these things but sometimes it is too much to bear.
What a welcome respite July has been with the many sporting events that have lifted our spirits as we celebrate participants doing so well in their chosen sport. The competition has been fierce, whether it has been in tennis, ladies football or the Commonwealth Games. We have been allowed to be a part of their journeys to success. I know that some are scunnered with the amount of sport we have endured during this past month but the secret is to dip in as and when and be selective.
It doesn’t take away our concern for a world that is in turmoil but it alleviates our feelings of negativity about all that is happening. Praying into issues gives us hope and helps us to put things into perspective.
I always feel good when there is good news like the birth of a tiger cub, polar bear or baby giraffe at a park or zoo. One news report that lifted me today was the news about the racing pigeon, ‘Bob’, who finally has made it back home to England (with a little help) and is now in retirement after his adventures that took him across the Atlantic. I am always so glad when the newsroom adds some good news to its otherwise depressing list of disasters. We need to be kept informed but we also need the ‘lift’ that good news brings.
Most importantly we need the Good News that Christ has brought into our lives and helps us cope with all eventualities.
All good wishes,
Summer Get-Together
A gentle reminder that the Summer Get-together is on Thursday 11 August 2022 at 7pm in Auchterarder Parish Church Centre. It would be lovely to have a large turnout for the evening.
If you would like to attend this get together please arrange to go in friendship groups and give me numbers hoping to attend so that I can let Doreen (Auchterarder Guild) know how many to expect from Ardoch Guild.
Also get in touch with me if you would like to go but have no transport available. 01786 880877.
Wee Seeds
Heather has sent me a lovely picture of her Tom Thumb Nasturtiums and is wondering how Guild members have got on with nurturing their various seeds. I have to admit that my Tom Thumb seedling died a death when I added it to my hanging basket. Perhaps I put it out too early? However, the sunflowers seeds I was given at the pre Easter Youth Team event are looking good and the pepper plant Gordon Roy distributed after church has survived, is 8” tall but does not look very sturdy. I think I may encourage it by potting on!
Let me have your photos if you have had some seed success! |
Heather’s Tom Thumbs
Remember to put in your diary the live streaming of the Guild Annual Gathering on 10th September in the church hall between 10.30am and approximately 3.30pm.
Although it is a full day of speakers and hymn singing there are also representatives from our Project Partners giving updates on each project.
You do not need to attend for the full day – you can dip in as and when convenient. There will also be catering at this event – morning coffee, a light lunch (during a lull in the proceedings when we can eat and chat) and afternoon tea a little later.
Come along and join us if and when you can.
More details about plans for Guild Week 10 – 18th September in the next issue of Keeping You in the Loop.
July 2022
Dear Guild Members,
Having been out of circulation for two weeks with both John and I being infected by covid I missed sending out a July Newsletter. We are both now recovered and tentatively getting out and about again.
This next bit of writing I did mid-June anticipating the imminent school holidays.
It is a memory of a favourite activity we, as a family, did throughout school holidays when I was primary age:-
Recently I was told that the Braco Primary school pupils were to come to church for an end of year service. This brought back so many memories for me of end of terms where we would all troupe as a school to church and sing ‘Summer Suns Are Glowing’ and suchlike and eventually empty from the church in an orderly manner only to whoop with joy on finally being released into a long, hot, seemingly endless Summer holiday!
One of the absolute pleasures of our Summer holiday was our regular walks we went with mum. She tied string around the jelly jars and all five of us had one to carry on our adventure. We also were given a penny!
Children from our neighbourhood would join us on our walks and they too would, if they could, bring along a jelly jar and a penny… and some had small fishing nets. So, mum walked with a rag-tag group of kids following on out of Sauchenbush and on to the Chapel Level. Soon, the kids were walking in a long line – arms outstretched outwards as we balanced precariously on top of the dry-stane dyke. Other children were stamping on the sticky tar on the heated, car free road or playing ‘tig’ as we moved along.
Eventually we would hit Chapel Village and one of us was sent to knock at the door of a cottage there. Out would come a friendly body with a tray of assorted ‘penny things’ and we would line up to deliberate upon what lovely treat we would choose. Perhaps a ‘Penny Dainty,’ 4 ‘fruit salads’ or ‘black jacks’, a liquorice pipe or strap, a sugar coated ‘dummy’ or a paper twist of ‘Rainbow Drops or ‘Midget Gems’. A McCowan’s ‘Penny Dainty’ was one of life’s great pleasures – but breaking one in two was always difficult without the aid of a poker. Halving a penny dainty was a kindness only to be shared with a best friend.
As we travelled on we left the pavement, and took narrow pathways often overgrown where small arms were lifted high to avoid stinging nettles. Mum gathered dockens and rubbed stung arms and legs but all too soon we came out on to a brae that took us down to the edge of a pond. But this was no ordinary pond. It was said to have been created by a German bomber during WW2 as it had jettisoned some ‘bombs’ (meant for Rosyth Dockyard). Over the years it had filled with water and was the most magical place for young children to explore armed with jelly jars to catch all sorts of things of interest. We were there for what seemed like aeons and the time passed too quickly before we were called and assembled ready for departure. We always went a different way on our homeward journey but usually we were led into an area where there were loganberries, raspberries, blackberries and gooseberries in great abundance. Jelly jars were filled and so were our stomachs.
Although now tired the trudge back home was never too long because we laughed and talked with friends and gathered posies of beautiful wild flowers to take home.
Eventually we scattered as we neared our homes – happy but weary. I am sure there were many parents who shared a quiet evening together….. with children in bed earlier than usual – and asleep!
Pat Duncan.
The Following prayer is taken from ‘Guild Week’. Dear Lord, as our children and young people enjoy their summer holidays, keep them safe from harm. Refresh their minds ready for their return to nursery, school, college or university. We remember particularly all who will receive exam results shortly after 8th August week. Whatever they are, Lord, help them remember that you have a plan for each of them.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Sunshine Club
‘Fish and Ships’
Lyndsey Thomas and the rest of the Youth Team have organised a week of morning activities for primary pupils beginning Monday 18th to Friday 22nd July inclusive from 10am until 12.30pm.
Posters are up on the church noticeboard and outside the village shop.
Children must have completed P1 to participate and sign up sheets are available. Please be proactive and encourage youngsters to become involved in this event. It is always a lot of fun and everyone enjoys the action packed week.
Charles Robertson, the Session Clerk, asked all church organisations if they would give a brief resume of their activities during last session and a summary of plans going forward. A report about the Guild was given by Pat Duncan, Guild Secretary.
Besides all the meetings that will take place from October 2022 to April 2023 we are also planning what we will do during Guild Week (Saturday 10TH September to Sunday 18th September inclusive).
So, here are some dates for your diary and hopefully you will be able to participate as much as you are able.
Saturday 10th September (10.30am – approximately 3.30pm). This year, for the first time, we hope to live stream from the Annual Guild Gathering from the Assembly hall in Edinburgh directly to our church hall here in Braco. This will be an all day event with catering – morning Coffee, light lunch and afternoon tea being provided. We are hopeful that members will come along for all or part of the day.
We are hopeful that Guild members from other local churches may also be able to join us.
Sunday 11th September will be a Random Day of Kindness. Phone a friend you haven’t been in contact for a while – or write a newsy letter! Or why not ask someone after church to accompany you for a coffee and chat…. or lunch. Or how about a wee bar of chocolate popped through a neighbour’s letterbox? Get your thinking cap on. Be random, perhaps anonymous but show someone you care!
Thursday 15th September 2-4pm We are to hold an afternoon tea – a fundraiser for Guild Projects in the Church Hall.
Sunday 18th September Guild rededication service and there will be an after church catering event that Sunday.
More details will be available after the Guild Committee meet in August.
Dates for diaries:
Lunch Outings
Thursday 13th October 1pm we are to Lunch at Café Circa at Doune where there is an extensive antiques emporium to look around either before or/and after lunch at 1pm. Names to Pat on or before the first Guild meeting on 6th October 22. Meet at the Village Hall for transport by car.
Thursday 19th January – lunch at Auchterarder Golf Course at 1pm. Names of those going on or before January 4th Guild meeting. Meet at the village hall for transport by car.
Keeping You in the Loop June 2022
To all Guild Members,
You will see from the heading that the Guild new theme for session 22/23 is ‘Wee Seeds, Big Trees’. No doubt that topic will be the focus of our Guild rededication service in September.
Already we have been recipients of seeds at various events in the church. The Youth Team gave out packets of sunflowers seeds at the conclusion of their pre Easter event. Mine are all planted in various locations in the garden and I can see them already poking up through the earth. I have already bought longish canes to offer the sunflowers the support they will need if they are to reach their full potential. The sunflower is Ukraine’s national flower and so I am constantly reminded not only to pray for a resolution to this awful conflict but also to pray for all the young ones who are so well fed spiritually, and in so many other ways, by the Youth Team. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated team in our church.
You will also remember that our Guild president, Heather, gave us all a gift of potted nasturtium seeds at our April meeting. My seeds have come on well and now the seedlings, which are of the trailing variety, have been inserted into one of my hanging baskets. I wonder how many of you have taken care and nurtured your seeds?
The third event was when Gordon Roy came to preach one Sunday at Ardoch Church. He gave us all a pot to take home containing a pepper seed. My seedling is still very small but I have high hopes that with care and attention it will grow and produce fruit.
This same care and attention is something that is so important not only for the children with whom we come into contact but also in cultivating our friendships and maintaining our familial relationships. We all know that love is everything. We need to feel love, to give it and to receive it too in order to thrive and we all know that God is the source of love. Some seeds survive in the harshest of terrain but Wee Seeds generally need so much tending and nourishing to eventually reach their full potential bearing blossom and fruit.
The Jubilee Fun Day is now organised and everyone should have received a brochure detailing the proposed activities. The whole day is ‘free’ and the Guild is doing a Coffee Morning with a set up at 10am, and starting at 10 30 am until 12.30pm.
In response to the questionnaire 7 Guild members volunteered to help out on the day and 11 said they would do some baking. Could you give me your name if you did volunteer to serve on the day (01786 880 877) and/or provide baking. I am happy to receive baking here at 3 Ardoch Way or you can bring it along to the Village Hall on Saturday morning.
Eating events will happen all day so any goodies left over from the Coffee Morning will no doubt be consumed at other catering opportunities as the day progresses.
The Outreach team, who are doing afternoon teas 2-4pm, are preparing strawberry tarts! So, do make a point of visiting the village hall at different times of the day (and evening) to enjoy the activities, entertainments and events that have been laid on.
All good wishes,
At the recent Guild Committee Meeting we looked carefully at the Questionnaire responses where Guild members voted to continue with the 2pm start to our Guild meetings and to also continue to hold the World Day of Prayer as our March Guild meeting.
Distribution of Guild funds was discussed and the following monies have been distributed to various charities:
Mary’s Meals £100 (plus £50 already given in September).
Ardoch Church £400
Beat – Eating Disorders £50 (they have already received £200)
Kazunu Village of Hope £50 (they have already been given £200)
Scottish Air Ambulance £50
Salvation Army £50
Red Cross £50
It should also be noted that Erskine Hospital received £100 in November, the Church collection for Ukraine was boosted by £40 from the Guild and £200 was given to the World Day of Prayer.
Total given by Ardoch Guild to charities 2021/2022 = £1,340.
Well done everyone for your various efforts and contributions to making Guild session 21/22 a very successful year of giving.
The Syllabus for session 22/23 is almost complete. It looks very varied and interesting. For those of you who voted to have a craft activity – we are ‘on it’ devising something for January when it is often difficult to book speakers who are not local because of the likelihood of bad weather. We have also included an Autumn outing and another visit to the Auchterarder Golf Club for lunch mid January.
Guild week is going to be a bit fuller than usual this year.
10th September we are to stream the Annual Guild Gathering from the Assembly Hall in Edinburgh. This will take place in the church hall and Guild members are invited to come for the full session or come and go at will. More details re times will be given in the August issue.
There will be catering at this event – morning coffee, a light lunch and afternoon tea – so come and join in as and when you can. We look forward to see you!
Sunday 11th September – Random Act of Kindness – more on that at a later date.
Thursday 15th September will be an Afternoon Tea for Guild Funds.
Sunday 18th September is the date for the Rededication service – and there will also be an after church catering event for Guild projects.
Praying for schools. Please pray for all those children who are sitting exams this year. Pray also for the new headteacher at Braco Primary who will soon be taking up her post.
*On another note – I have an art exhibition starting on Thursday 2nd June (on show for the whole of June) at the Dunblane Museum. Pop in if you can and you will see what I have been getting up to in my spare time over the past year.
The Museum opens at 10.30am and is shut on Wednesdays. Pat Duncan.
Keeping You in the Loop April 2022
Supporting Your Local Shop
Recently I was thinking back to how devastated residents in Braco and the surrounding area were on hearing that the village shop was to close. A meeting was called in the village hall to discuss the issue and there was a general consensus that the shop was not only necessary but an essential part of village life.
When Raj took over the shop I had great hopes that people would do what was needed and frequent and give their custom to keep our shop open and thriving. Some of us do exactly that!
When the shop reopened I made up my mind that I would spend a minimum amount each week in the shop to hopefully subsidise its success. I still go to the supermarket but there are many things I buy on a regular basis from the shop but I also look around to see if there are other things I can buy – even if only occasionally.
So, I am not solely a milk, papers and rolls customer. That kind of basic buying is important but does not really keep a shop doing business. I don’t know about you, but when I have brought my purchases to the counter Raj is always keen to ask me if I managed to find everything I came for. He is always ready and willing to help the shop provide what we need. Perhaps he cannot provide everything we want, but he does – in my estimation – a very good job catering for our needs.
Raj serves our community and deserves our backing if we are to retain and maintain our village shop.I personally would be sad if this venture were to fail.
All good wishes,
Pat Duncan.
The Guild event John Duncan and Friends Scottish Entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. This event was to make up for the one we missed way back in January. It was cancelled due to the fear that the new Covid 19 variant Omicron was beginning to spread.
At the event on the afternoon of 17th March 14 people present – and 5 of these were performers! It was thought that villagers might enjoy an afternoon of entertainment and a poster went up to say all were welcome to come along. £40 was donated to the Ardoch Church Ukraine fund.
Thank you so much to everyone who came, enjoyed the event and donated to such a worthy cause.
Guild Meeting 7th April at 2pm
As previously mentioned, this meeting will welcome a speaker from the Vine Trust to talk to us about one of the Guild Projects – Kazunu, Village of Hope, Tanzania.
There will be a sales table and we are hoping that you will bring along some arts and crafts or produce to sell for Guild funds and projects. There will also be an AGM.
Please DO take a lateral Flow Test before attending the Guild meeting on 7th April. Contact me if you have a problem getting a LFT kit (Pat Duncan – 01786 880 877). We all want to keep safe and confident about coming together.
World Day of Prayer
The world Day of Prayer, organised by Sally Young, was a success. 14 Guild members and others attended and all present took part whether singing or reading. Sally explained the relevance of the items on display on the table. We were reading from the WDP booklet and the text helped us to understand the difficulties women face within our own communities in the UK. We are all aware of the problems that are all around us at this present time – we don’t need to look far to be aware of the suffering being experienced within our society. However, reading 3 life stories from 3 UK women puts much into context and helps us understand the extent of the need that people have for God in their lives.
Contributions to WDP amounted to £97 and we are grateful for all donations to this worthy cause.
WDP writes: “The principal aims of the WDP Scottish Committee are to promote the annual WDP service by producing and distributing materials; and to support societies giving physical or spiritual help to people in the writing country. By keeping our costs as low as possible, we can maximise the amount given”.
All Age Singalong.
The incidence of Covid infection in the village caused the Singalong on 11th March to be cancelled. This was regrettable because we really want this event to build and succeed. However, it was felt to be prudent given the circumstances.
It has been decided to resume the monthly Singalong in September/October.
Bookbug- If you know of any young mums (or Dads) who have under 5’s please let them know about Bookbug.
Information can be found on the church noticeboard and I believe a flyer is going out. It happens on the second Friday of every month in the church hall and organised by Lyndsay.
The Youth Team are organising a coffee morning and book sale on 2nd April. Please donate books and come along for coffee, a chat and a look at the book stall. All proceeds are going to the DEC Fund to help Ukrainians who have fled the war.
Auchterarder Golf Club lunch at 1pm on 28th April. At our 7th April Meeting it will be your last chance, if you haven’t already done so, to add your name to the list of Guild members going to Auchterarder Golf Club for lunch. Please also look at the menu circulating and make a choice of main course.
We intend to travel to the golf club in friendship groups. If you have a problem please contact me and I will arrange transport for you.
After Church Teas/Coffees
I have previously asked if Guild members could add their names to the list pinned up in the kitchen. It involves coming along to the church hall 20 -30 minutes before the church service to set up and then serving refreshments after the service and clearing up. We need two people for each Sunday so can I ask you to bring along your diary and see if you can help out. If you are unsure about procedure then add your name in the second column and you will be paired with someone with some experience.
Keeping You in the Loop March 2022
Dear Guild Members,
At our February meeting we had an excellent speaker from ‘BEAT – eating disorders’. She explained that there are many different kinds of eating disorders and that it does not exclusively affect teenage girls but can affect both men and women at any stage in their lives. Listening to her own story it became evident how little most people know about this illness. It is amazing how this charity not only supports those who suffer directly from eating disorders, but also their families who often don’t know which way to turn to get the help they need. The talk was an eye opener and I’m sure those who were present will have gained a better understanding of this illness.
The Guild Committee wish to sincerely thank all who contributed to the February sales table – by bringing items and /or buying. We fundraised £115 at a time when it is extremely difficult to do any fundraising activities. So, thank you all for following all the instructions given – aimed at making the activity as safe as possible.
At our March 3rd meeting Sally Young will be leading. She has put a lot of time and effort into organising the World Day of Prayer meeting and this is what she writes:
“This year’s World Day of Prayer Service will be held at 2pm on Thursday March 3rd in Ardoch church hall. Everyone is welcome.
The service this year has been written by the Christian women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the theme is “I know the plans I have for you” (Jeremiah 29: 1 ).
In these strange, changed times these words comfort and encourage us and give us hope. In the midst of all the uncertainties we are living under this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Day of Prayer theme is particularly relevant and is an invitation to place our trust in God in times of suffering and uncertainty. “
On 17th March at 2pm we are having a Scottish themed entertainment from ‘John Duncan and Friends’. We have been encouraged by the Guild office to do an extra meeting since the one in January was cancelled due to covid restrictions. Your Guild Committee think this a very good idea and so we look forward to this event.
Can I remind everyone to take a Lateral Flow Test before coming to meetings and events so that we can all keep safe and feel confident about meeting together.
*We had thought to have a lunch outing to Auchterarder Golf Club on 17th March but new management does not take over the running of the restaurant until the 25th of March. Therefore I have gone ahead and booked the lunch outing for Thursday 28th April.
SEE BELOW for more details.
The April 7th Guild Meeting has one of our project partners coming to speak to us about a Vine Trust project called Kazunu: Village of Hope – Tanzania.
The April meeting will also have a sales table. This time we are looking for arts and crafts and produce for our sales table. I’m sure many will be able to contribute something of your making and of course you can always BUY even if you can’t think of anything to donate. Sewing , knitted items, jewellery, cards, art work, tablet, marmalade, jams and chutneys etc. – all items are most acceptable.
I have mentioned several times during the past year that we would, when possible, have such a sales table so now is your opportunity to come up with the goods and all monies will go to Guild funds and of course our Guild Projects.
The same strict rules will apply to the sales table. Please put a price on the item/s you bring (do not undersell your goods and make sure you take away any unsold items) and please adhere to our viewing/handling/buying advice.
There will be plenty of time for you to look over the sales table.
We also have an AGM at this meeting which hopefully we will be able to keep as short and as sweet as possible.
On Thursday 28th April at 1pm we are to have a lunch outing to Auchterarder Golf Club whose restaurant is under new management.
Pat will circulate a proforma at our March 3rd meeting and also at the entertainment on 17th March when you can add your name to the list. There will also be a menu and you are asked to indicate what you would like re a starter, main course and pudding.
No deposit is required.
Dates for your diary resume:
Thursday 3rd March –World Day of Prayer 2pm
Thursday 17th March Guild entertainment John Duncan and Friends
Thursday 7th April – Guild Kazunu Village of Hope – Tanzania.
Art, Craft and produce sales table . AGM.
Thursday 28th April at 1pm – lunch at Auchterarder Golf Club.
There will be another ‘All Age Singalong’ on Friday 11th March at 2pm.
The Guild led Big Sing 2022 on Tuesday 24th May at the Assembly Hall, Edinburgh at7pm.
I have a form to apply for tickets. This is a very popular event and therefore tickets will go quickly. I have one person interested so far – so if you would like to go please let me know before or at the next Guild meeting on 3rd March.
We also have news about the Guild Annual Gathering 2022 which is to be held at Assembly Hall, Edinburgh on Saturday 10 September from 10.30 until 3.30 (approx).
Please do let me know asap if you would like tickets to attend this event and I will place an order.
Guild Week is from Saturday 10th September until and including Sunday 18th September which we hope will be our annual rededication Service.
Your Guild Committee will be looking at how we can celebrate Guild Week and will be giving you details in our September issue of Keeping You in the Loop.
Our best wishes go to:
The Guild Committee is looking at how we might celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Ideas from members more than welcome.
If you are available to help with after church teas/coffees please add your name to the list which is pinned up in the kitchen. Everything is provided for set up. It is just a matter of coming along 20-30 minutes before the service for setting up and then serving tea and coffee following the service and clearing up afterwards.
On the sales table at our April Meeting you will find various items I have had printed from original paintings. They include a mousemat, a classic mug and a selection of box canvas prints.
Mousemat – £6 Classic Mug – £7 Crocus – £20
Peony – £20 Rose – £20
Lily – £20 Iris – £20
Keeping You in the Loop February 2022
Dear Guild members,
I have sung the hymn ‘I Have a Dream’ written by Pamela J. Pettit on many occasions. Different hymns affect me in different ways. Sometimes it is one verse in particular which ‘speaks to me’ and makes me think more deeply about my situation, or what Jesus expects of me etc.
When I re read the hymn it was the 4th verse in particular that stood out on this occasion.
‘So dream the dreams and sing the songs
but never be content;
For thoughts and words don’t ease the pain:
Unless there’s action, all is vain:
faith proves itself by deeds’.
Our dreams are surely hopes.
When Martin Luther King wrote his” I Have a dream” speech his themes included freedom for Black Americans, the right to protest peacefully, and a vision of hope for the future.
The hymn asks us to ‘never be content’. I long to be content and it is my absolute desire as I grow older to achieve contentment. However, there are many issues in this world of ours that rile me. That feeling never leaves me until I have done something about the situation. It may mean putting goods into the Tesco food bank box, signing a petition, writing a letter, sending a parcel. Whatever! There are many ways we can make our voices heard and make a difference.
Action does speak much louder than words and as Petttit puts it so succinctly ‘Unless there’s action, all is vain: faith proves itself in deeds’.
What would Jesus do? Is still very much a valid question to ask ourselves.
Praying is all important but we are all God’s hands on earth and we need to put these hands to good use.
With all good wishes,
Guild Meetings
The January meeting being cancelled was inevitable given the situation with the new Covid variant spreading so quickly.
The planned lunch did not take place and the Committee are thinking about ideas for another outing.
3rd February at 2pm: This meeting will take place but we kindly ask all members to do a Lateral Flow Test on the morning of the meeting to give all our members confidence about attending.
Please do contact me if you have never done a LFT and need help and/ or advice about this. (01557880877).
The Speaker is from our Guild Project partner BEAT eating disorders. Come along and be better informed about this problem which can have a potentially devastating impact on young people and their families.
There will be a sales table at this meeting for Guild Funds. We are encouraging you to bring along any new item or gift that you have received but do not want. I have loads from a lovely, lacy, tissue holder to jewellery, cake forks, ramekins and leather gloves.
Have a good rummage and see what you can bring along.
Please price your items before coming. Bring them along and add them to the table which will be on your left as you enter the hall. Information about keeping ourselves safe whilst potentially handling and buying items will be given at the meeting.
March 3rd at 2pm is our World Day of Prayer meeting. It is being coordinated by Sally Young and yet again we are looking for a good turnout.
Date for your diary: Singalong in the church hall 2pm on 11 03 22
Crossreach Prayer Diaries (a once a year publication) contains prayers for the whole year for their services across Scotland. The first edition of Crossreach News will also available at our 3rd February meeting..
USED STAMPS COLLECTION: Remember to save your used stamps. Please leave a good margin around the stamp. Liz Paterson will be more than happy to receive them.
Prayer points from the Guild Office:
1: remembering the people of Tonga after the recent volcanic eruption and tsunami.
2: asking for guidance for leaders in local, national and international government in these different times.
3: giving thanks for Guild and congregational treasurers as they complete their accounts for the year.
3: remembering staff in hospitals, hospices, care homes and in the community who care for people who are unwell, elderly or vulnerable — asking for patience, compassion and a generosity of spirit.
4: giving thanks for those who organise and help with food banks and other services that support people in need of food, clothes or a warm place to stay.
5: remembering Church of Scotland mission partners serving in various roles throughout the world supporting those around them.
Sunday: asking God to develop spiritual growth within churches and Guilds and a willingness to serve in whatever way possible as we look to the future.
December 2021
Dear Guild members,
Once upon a time I had a mug that declared “Wise Men Still Seek Him”. Sometimes I searched the staffroom cupboard for my mug only to find that someone was already using it for their morning cup of coffee. I hoped that the message might be as uplifting as the caffeine and it made me smile to think they were promoting the message.
There is a wonderful song written by the Perth based singer/songwriter Ian White. It’s written for children and talks about the real meaning of Christmas.
‘Somebody’s Birthday’
Crackers and turkeys and pudding and cream,
Toys in the window that I’ve never seen,
This is the Christmas that everyone sees,
But Christmas means more to me
It’s somebody’s birthday I won’t forget,
As I open the things that I get,
I’ll remember the inn and the stable so bare,
And Jesus who once lay there
Everyone’s out shopping late every night,
For candles and presents and Christmas tree lights,
This is the Christmas that everyone sees,
But Christmas means more to me.
It’s somebody’s birthday I won’t forget…
As we approach Christmas – with all the distractions that are inevitable – my prayer is that we make time to stop and think about what Christmas really means to us. We know that ‘Jesus is the reason for this season’ so let’s help others to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!
All good wishes,
Pat Duncan.
Christmas Party.
The Guild Christmas Party will take place on Thursday 2nd December at 2pm in the Church Hall.
We regret we have not been able to extend an invitation to the Kirk Session this year. Numbers are limited to Guild members plus a few invited others.
Please let me know if you are unable to attend for any reason so that we can organise catering (01876 880 877).
From Heather:
I would like to thank Pat especially, for keeping us all ‘in the loop,’ as Guild members. Also special thanks to all who have taken my place at monthly meetings while I babysat in Glasgow.
Which brings me to the Committee being a bit short-handed, if a.n. other cannot manage a meeting for whatever reason.
If anyone feels they would like to help, please speak to any of the committee, or we will be speaking to you.
Can anyone believe Sunday 28/11 is the start of Advent!
I would endorse all Pat has already said and wish you good health to enjoy whatever festivities are available to you, planned or not.
We need to think Alter-Nativity….
I wonder if we’re afraid that if we don’t travel far, or cook a large meal, or squeeze too many of us round a small table, that Christmas won’t be the same?
I wonder if we’re afraid that if we simply celebrate, and love our neighbours, and watch the lights tease the darkness with hope, that Christmas won’t be the same again?
Blessings and warm thoughts for all,
Felt Poppy Brooches.
It was lovely to see our Guild members wearing the felt poppy brooches made at our November meeting craft activity. £60 has been donated to the Erskine Hospital from Ardoch Guild.
Auchterarder Guild Open Meeting Invite
Ardoch Guild members have been invited to an open meeting on the evening of 2nd December at 7.30pm (Our afternoon Guild Christmas Party day!)
The talk will be from the Vine Trust about the Guild Project: Kazunu, Village of Hope, Tanzania. We have a speaker coming from this organisation to speak to our Guild in April of next year. However, if any member would like to go to this meeting at Auchterarder please get in touch with me so that we can organise transport. 01786 880 877.
New Guild General Secretary Announced
It is really good to be able to tell you that, following advertising and the selection process, Karen Gillon will become General Secretary of the Guild from January 2022. We are sure you will join us in congratulating Karen on her appointment.
We are confident that Karen will be an excellent General Secretary and will lead the Guild with energy and imagination as we emerge from the pandemic and look to a bright future.
Speaking today Karen said, ‘ It is a tremendous honour to follow Iain Whyte as General Secretary. Iain has been a great ambassador for the Guild and we have a great deal to thank him for. The last five years as Associate Secretary has helped to equip me for this important role and I pray, that with God’s help, I will be able to support this great movement as we move forward into an exciting new chapter of our story.’
January Meeting on Thursday 6th at 2pm
This meeting will be led by Ann Speirs and is to have a Burns theme.
John Duncan and Friends will be coming along to entertain.
There will also be a sales table at that meeting.
Please – no Crafts, jams, chutney, homemade cakes and sweets etc.
Do bring along all those unwanted Christmas gifts etc and hopefully our Guild funds will benefit!
PLEASE NOTE Guild Outing – January 20th 2022 at 1pm.
26 Guild members put their names down to go to River House Restaurant in Stirling for lunch. However, it has become clear that the £10 deposit they are requesting is non refundable. If any of our members for any reason cannot attend or if the weather is inclement eg snow, we would lose these deposits and the committee felt this was an unacceptable outcome.
We are making enquiries about another venue (same date).
Flowers in the Church
Jenny Kemp is looking to have more people volunteering to add their name to the flower list for 2022. She will bring the list for you to look at along to the Christmas Party
– unless you manage to add your name to the list before then!
Guild Shop Orders
Products ordered from the Guild Shop have been received and will be available at the Christmas Party.
The Guild Newsletter is back!
The Autumn/ Winter ‘Guild News’ will be available at the Christmas Party – do pick one up.
After Church Tea/coffee.
Yet another listl
We urgently need volunteers to offer to sign up to provide teas and coffees after church services. So many of our Guild members are tied up with other responsibilities eg ‘on the door’ or ‘operating the PA system’. Please look at the list hanging up in the Kitchen. If you are unsure of procedure put your name in the second slot and be guided by someone a little more experienced!
November 2021
Dear Guild Members,
We had a very good turnout for our first Guild meeting of the session when our minister Mairi Perkins talked to us about our theme for 2021/22. Having preached a sermon on the subject of Lights and bushels a few weeks prior to this meeting and Heather having also talked about the theme during our Guild rededication it was lovely that Mairi was able to further expand the topic. We, as Guild members, are in a good place to appreciate and understand what our Guild theme is all about.
Perhaps these insights will help to make us confident about doing all we can as individuals and as a Guild to be a light in our community. It has been decided that any new Guild members need not pay capitation fees for the first year of their membership. So, please encourage friends and neighbours to come along and join us for one or more of our monthly meetings.
Pat Duncan,
Guild Secretary.
At our Guild meeting on 4th November we will be making felt poppy brooches. If you have such a thing, please remember to bring along a small pair of fabric scissors for this activity.
Guild Christmas Party on 2nd December. We are looking forward to this event with Liz Paterson leading the meeting.
*Change to Guilds Together Afternoon Tea*(A note from Doreen Stewart)
“At our recent Committee Meeting it was decided that we would hold an Advent Songs of Praise to replace the planned Afternoon Tea in November.
The Advent Songs of Praise will take place on Friday 26 November 2021 at 2.30 pm in the North Church, Perth. We hope to have a representative from the Leadership Team in Edinburgh present with us too, and look forward to many of you joining with us on the day”. Kind regards, Doreen Stewart.
Reminder –
Please add your name to the Outing Sheet if you would like to join us going to the River House Restaurant, Stirling, for lunch on Thursday 20th January.
Sheep Knitting Pattern.
In the recent issue of the Guild News there was a pattern for little sheep. I’ve heard they are very fiddly to make but I am sure all you avid knitters who made little angels last year may want to have a go. If you would like the pattern then please see Maureen and she will either email it to you or print it out.
Big Christmas Sing 2021 is to take place at St George’s Tron, Glasgow on Friday 3rd December. It is a small venue and if you wish to be present for either of two different times (3.30pm and 7pm) then I need to book you a place a.s.a.p. Please give your name and preferred time to Pat Duncan and she will organise it. Bookings are limited to 4 persons per application. When tickets are issued, advice on access, parking etc will be included.
The Guild Shop has produced 6 new products including a Guild tartan spectacle case at £6; a Guild tartan lens cloth at £2; a pack of 10 Christmas cards at £3.50 for 10; Hand Sanitiser at £1.50; a 2022 Guild Diary at £3.00 and a Guild tartan brooch at £6.00.
A small ‘New Products’ poster is now on the Guild noticeboard along with an order sheet. Please fill in the order form if you would like to purchase any of these items at the November meeting so that I can place an order a.s.a.p.
Retirement of Ian Whyte as General Secretary of the Guild. We are intending to send a card offering good wishes from Ardoch Guild to Iain who is retiring after 10 years of service to the Guild. Ardoch Guild are also sending a contribution of £20 towards a retirement gift for Iain.
The Guild Blessing is to be sung at the end of each Guild meeting so I have included the words so that you can become acquainted with them:
May the Love of God the father enfold you
May the light that is His Son guide your way
May the grace that is his Spirit empower you
Whose we are and whom we serve
Whose we are and whom we serve
The next ‘All Age Singalong’ is to take place from 2 – 3.30 on Friday 12th November. All welcome.
Theme: ‘Lights and Bushels’
October 2021
Dear Guild Members,
The Guild Committee has tried to keep in touch with members throughout this period of Covid restrictions and now we see a softening of limits on our gatherings. However, we are still, every step of the way, trying to move with caution and care – being aware that there are ‘covid hotspot’s still existing within Scotland. We are fortunate that we live in a small village but we still want to adhere to all the advice we are given from the Guild and overseen by our own church here in Braco.
Let’s Celebrate!
A week ago I got together with our extended family of 15 for lunch at a restaurant in Stirling. It was the first time we had all met together since lockdown began. We came from different parts of Scotland – Braco, Anstruther in the East Neuk, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Seamill over on the west coast.
It proved to be a very special occasion. We all so obviously enjoyed the experience. Although we had regularly kept in touch by telephone, emails and Skype, this meeting in person was definitely different. We had all done Lateral Flow Tests that morning and we hugged and chatted over a drink and then went in to have lunch at 1.30pm. We eventually left the restaurant after 5pm promising to meet again soon.
And so it was with Kirsty’s performance at our September 2nd Guild meeting. Guild members – and others who came along – were uplifted by Kirsty’s singing of classic popular songs from different eras. We were masked and observed social distancing within the church but that did not seem to prevent us from joining in all those favourite songs we know so well. We had tea and biscuits afterwards and it did feel good to enjoy ourselves and come together in fellowship. A big change from zoom meetings and even although we still had restrictions it was a reminder that we have much to celebrate, having come through a difficult time in our recent past. We are still not yet ‘out of the woods’ but we have found a clearing where we can enjoy ourselves once more.
A DVD of Kirsty singing was given to Scott Dawson to take to Nancy. Jim was also given one for Nettie who I heard recently is improving in health. We send them both all our good wishes.
Pat Duncan, Ardoch Guild Secretary.
Guild Rededication Service will take place on October 3rd at 10am.
If you have a Guild badge this may be an opportunity to wear it and be identified as a Guild member.
We will not be assembling before the service in the Church Hall but you are asked to sit in the church as you would normally do when coming to church.
Heather our President has put together a service, and we are hopeful that Guild members will make the effort to be present.
Thursday October the 7th at 2pm is our next Guild meeting.
Sally Young will lead the meeting and our minister Mairi Perkins will give a talk on the topic of ‘Lights and Bushels’. As usual we look forward to listening to Mairi’s talk that I am sure will help us think about the Guild theme for 2021/22.
We are to meet in the church Hall and tea/coffee and biscuits will be served afterwards.
If you know of anyone who might like to attend our meetings please do invite them to come along.
Dorothy Johnson (Guild Treasurer) will be available to receive your joining fee of £20 and give you a syllabus.
January 20th 2022 outing.
The Committee are thinking that an outing in January for lunch might be a very good idea. We think that the River House Restaurant in Stirling might be an excellent venue. Those who have recently visited the restaurant have reported that it has a lovely ambience and very good food.
The restaurant requests a non-refundable deposit per person in order to book for a large number of people ie over 9 persons (they are concerned about the prevalence of people booking and then not showing up).
A signing up sheet will be available at the October meeting and we hope that people wishing to go will pay their deposit to Dorothy on or before the January meeting.
Ardoch Parish Church Youth Group 2021l ‘Welcome Pack’ Appeal.
The Youth Group would like to help Scotland welcome Refuweegees by building welcome packs. Full bags of essentials OR individual items from the Essentials List can be dropped off at the Church Collection Box outside the Church Hall entrance up until 8th October 2021. Check the notice board, collect a leaflet at the Church, or full information is on our website.
For further information contact
Barbara Mclaren was ordained as an elder on Sunday 29th August. Her history of service to Ardoch Church makes the choice of Barbara as an elder well deserved. We love her and offer our blessing in this new role she has undertaken.
Dorothy Johnston celebrated her 80th birthday recently (I cannot believe she is 80!) and thanks the Guild for her birthday card which was much appreciated.
The first ‘All Age Sing along’ will take place 2 – 3pm on the second Friday of each month starting on the 8th October in Ardoch Church Hall.
You are warmly invited to come along – and do ask any friends and neighbours who you think might enjoy this monthly event – plus the chat and tea and biscuits afterwards!
Crossreach News I have received a limited amount of Crossreach magazines that I will make available at the October meeting. Do take one and get an update on what the Church of Scotland is doing in the care sector. They cover Children and Families; Counselling and Support; Criminal Justice; Homelessness; Learning Disabilities; Mental Health, Older People and Substance Abuse. Well worth a read.
Afternoon Tea
The Church of Scotland Perth and Kinross Guilds Together are hosting an Afternoon Tea at 2.30pm on Friday 26th November at Perth North Church.
Let me know if you would like to go and I will put you in touch with others who are going. (01786 880 877).
Your ‘Keeping You in the Loop’ newsletter will continue to be issued online for the foreseeable future. Those who receive paper copies will still receive it through their letterboxes. Do let Pat know at the meeting if you do not receive your copy.
4th November Guild meeting
We will be making a felt Poppy Brooch for Remembrance Day with Pat Duncan who will demonstrate how this is done. Don’t be too worried if you are neither good with a needle and thread or have poor eyesight – Pat has ways and means for you to complete this project!
What you need to bring with you is a pair of fabric scissors. Everything else will be provided.
This is an eco- option that means you do not have to wear and dispose of your poppy each year. However, I am sure you are aware how much Remembrance Day charities depend on your giving each and every year. Collection to Earl Haig Fund or Poppy Scotland?
September 2021
On August 5th the Guild met in Ardoch Church for our first meeting ‘in person.’ There were 23 attendees and we all socially distanced and wore masks to listen to our invited speaker. Heather, our president, welcomed us and shared with us the ‘Mary’s Meal Prayer.’
Our speaker, Angela Hughes, spoke about the charity. It is probably a decade since the Guild had an invited speaker from Mary’s Meals. Many of us know about the charity shop in Dunblane which provides funds for Mary’s Meals, but not many had read the book by Magnus MacFarlane Barrows who is the founder of the charity. So it was revealing to find out about how much the charity has grown and developed over the years since its inception. Now it is a global charity with a presence in every continent. ‘Mary’s meals set up school feeding programmes in some of the world’s poorest communities, where poverty and hunger prevent children from gaining an education’
Angela said that a child could be provided with a nourishing meal for a whole year for the sum of £15.90 and that 93p in every £1 donation is spent on their charitable activities. That is an amazing statistic! She also talked about their ‘backpack project’ where they provide school essentials in a backpack to children who otherwise have no personal possessions other than the clothes on their back.
We were able to give Mary’s Meals a donation of £70, but perhaps we might consider a further donation to such a worthwhile cause when our funds are in better shape? Something to consider……
Pat Duncan, Secretary, Ardoch Guild.
Muriel Smith has moved to Ellon in Aberdeenshire to be near her daughter Fiona. We wish her well in her new home.
Nettie has not been keeping well – please keep her and Jim in your thoughts and prayers at this time.
Iain Whyte has recently retired from his post as General Secretary of the Church of Scotland Guild after 10 years of service. We wish him a happy and healthy retirement.
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 2nd September in the church at 2pm.
Kirsty Duncan comes to sing for us ‘Songs of Hope’ to help us celebrate our coming together as a Guild. The programme will be varied and uplifting.
You are invited to bring along a spouse, partner or friend to this event.
There will be tea/coffee served afterwards in the church hall.
You must wear a mask whilst in the church and while moving around the church building and queuing, but of course, it can be removed when you are drinking your tea/coffee.
I’m hoping that we have a good turnout for this meeting. Seek out a friend and bring him/her along!
October 3rd Guild Rededication in the church at 10am.
October 7th at 2pm is the beginning of our session 21 / 22. Speaker: Mairi Perkins.
November 4th at 2pm Craft Work with Pat Duncan, who will be showing us how to make a felt poppy brooch to wear on Poppy Day. Materials will be provided but you should bring a small-ish pair of scissors suitable for fabric cutting.
December 2nd at 2pm. Christmas Party.
Perth and Kinross Guilds Together sent an invite to join a ‘Summer Get Together’ at Auchterarder Church Centre. Given the recent change in covid restrictions the invite came at very short notice but 3 Guild members were able to attend the event.
There are two other events/ future meetings and if you would like to attend either please let me know so that we can arrange transport and let them know the numbers to expect arriving re catering etc.
I will remind you of these events nearer the time.
August 2021
‘Look Forward in Faith’’
Keeping You in the Loop
Dates for your diary:
August 5th at 2pm. A reminder that we will be meeting in the church and unless you are exempt you must wear a mask.
A speaker from Marys Meals is coming to give us an update on the work of this Scottish charity. A place has been reserved for all Guild members and I hope you will all make the effort to come along and give our speaker a good audience.
Please do let me know if you are not able to come along for any reason.
September 2nd at 2pm. Kirsty Duncan is coming to sing for us. Her theme is ‘Songs of Hope’. Seats are reserved for Guild members but if for any reason you are unable to attend please let me know so that I can take your name off the list of attendees. There may be spaces available for a spouse/partner to attend this event. Please phone me (Pat Duncan) 01786 880 877 to see if you can bring someone along with you.
We do have a few DVDs available so that Guild members can watch the concert in the privacy of their own home if they are unable to attend.
October 3rd at 10 am. Guild rededication.
October 7th at 2pm. Our speaker will be our minister Mairi Perkins.
Capitation fees of £15 (plus voluntary donation of £5 to Ardoch Guild funds) for session 2021/22 are due at this meeting.
We have a full syllabus planned for 2021/22 and we are hopeful that we will be able to continue to meet together throughout the coming session.
One, Hot, Hot, Hot, Summer!
I hope that you have all had a lovely few weeks with this glorious weather we have been experiencing.
By far the best part of the summer for me was having my nephew’s 8 year old wee girl staying with us for two whole weeks. She was an absolute delight. She was so full of fun, curious and inquisitive and a real live wire. We did so much together and had such a lovely time.
The first week we went to the Ardoch Church holiday club in the mornings and she loved every minute. She was very pleased to take home the things she had made – a sailing boat, weaving and a jungle garden. But of course she took home so much more than that. She learned about Jesus and Zachaeus and had lots of questions about what she had been taught. She kept us on our toes. We always do some art work when she is with us and we did a leafy picture using stencils we made out of tracing around the outlines of leaves and then using a sponge to print.
We played games, I read books to her, we baked and made exciting plates of food that even the faddiest of eaters would enjoy. We weeded the garden and planted flowers in tubs; went to the play park, wandered along the Knaik and had picnics. We watched DVD’s and most of all we talked about all sorts of things.
She was so open to all the experiences she had here in Braco and it reminded me that a life lacking these qualities is a life half lived.
It is good to be curious, creative, enjoying nature and the outdoors, having fun. None of these things need to depend on financial resources but sometimes they are best enjoyed with a friend.
I think I have a friend for life!
Pat Duncan.
Guild Secretary.
From Mabel Wallace National Convener 2020/21:
Let your light shine |
As I settled to prepare my thoughts for this newsletter, I found myself reflecting on how clear the skies were on the night of the summer solstice. I cannot believe how quickly the year is disappearing; it seems like no time at all since I was preparing some thoughts on the winter solstice. I am mesmerised by the bats flying around outside our house every evening. Just as the light fades, they appear swooping up and down – it is amazing to watch them. No sign at summer solstice, though, as when I went to bed it was still daylight. All this talk of light turns my thoughts to the first year of our new three-year strategy – ‘Look Forward in Faith’ – with our new theme ‘Lights and Bushels’. The parable of the lamp tells us we have an obligation. Since we have received the Gospel we are to live it openly and share it with others through how we live and what we say. As Guild members, in all things we undertake to do in His name, remember: He remains our constant companion as we journey towards our new three-year strategy ‘Look Forward in Faith’. Do not conceal your talents or abilities. Jesus is telling believers not to hide their faith. ‘Let your little light shine’. I wish you all God’s richest blessings as you set aside time to relax and gather your strength throughout the summer, before greeting each other (hopefully in person) at the start of the new session. Be all you can be, and in all things you set out to do – just be you. For our Lord and Saviour ‘Whose we are and Whom we Serve’ loves and cares for you and has set you on the path you are on, by calling you to be just where you are to ‘Let your little light shine’. Always in Him… IXOYE (Iesous Xristos Theou Yios Sotare. Jesus, Christ, Son of, God, Saviour). |
Keeping You in the Loop June 21
Hello Guild Members,
At our most recent zoom meeting on May 6th Mairi, our minister, talked about her visit to the Holy Land. It was her second visit to the Holy Land she shared with us about what she had learned about the Palestinian / Israeli predicament through a series of photographs she had taken..
To make sense of the problems associated with this region we needs a basic knowledge of recent history, geography and current conditions of life in Palestine and the occupied territories and within Israel. Mairi covered the subject well and gave us an idea what it is like to live in the region that was once Palestine.
It is heartbreaking to realise all that has happened since the state of Israel was ‘born’ in 1948.
In the past few weeks we have witnessed another flare-up of fighting between these two nations and seeing the television reports must fill us with despair.
No matter what we think about the rights and wrongs of the situation the map below shows why the Palestinians have a grievance which is backed by the UN.
1918 1947 1960 2017
The amount of lives lost (mainly women and children) and homes devastated by shelling shows the futility of a very unequal battle and a fragile peace when it comes.
The UN itself declares “Recognition is spreading in world opinion that the Palestinian people must be assured its inherent inalienable right of national self-determination for peace to be restored”
Millions of Palestinians are in exile as the Palestinian people continue to struggle for their lost rights
We must hope and pray that a solution is found.
Following our zoom meeting on 6th May we had an AGM where our Guild accounts for the years ending 31/12 /19 and 31/12/20 were approved.
Coffee Morning on May 3rd has had to be cancelled because of continued Covid restrictions.
However, Plan B is that we have a Virtual Coffee Morning via zoom.
Besides having a zoom chat we intend to show a DVD which I believe details how Guild Projects for the past three years have benefitted from Guild donations.
Some of our members do not have access to zoom. If anyone (with zoom access) would like to extend an invitation to host a Guild member for coffee and zoom in their home please do get in touch with me on 01786 880 877.
Zoom access is from 11am on Thursday 3rd June when you will be welcomed to the meeting by your host Christine Souter.
This is the link for the zoom meeting:
Virtual Guild Big Sing on 11th June can be accessed on the Guild Website and also on their Facebook page.
Next proposed Guild meetings:
July 1st at 2pm. Kirsty Duncan sings ‘Songs of Hope.’
Details will be provided in the next ‘Keeping You in the Loop’ due out the end of June.
August 4th at 2pm Mary’s Meals is to give us an update on their work.
Another date for your diary: October 3rd Guild rededication.
Please save all your used stamps (remember to leave a margin of paper around the stamp) and give them to Liz Paterson.
Dorothy Johnston is glad to receive your collection of plastic milk bottle tops. These bottle tops generate cash for a worthy cause – helping people in the Scottish Borders with all stages of their cancer journey.
Food for thought…..
due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.
In contrast, terms like ‘abuse,’ and harassment’ describe a lack of respect for the individual concerned”
The verb ‘respect’ means to appreciate, cherish, value and honour .
I like the fact that respect can be a doing word as well as a noun. The act of appreciating, cherishing, valuing and honouring is something that is a result of love – love of our fellow human beings – regardless of their race, sex, or abilities, opinions and of their attitude towards us.
Jesus taught us to love our neighbours, which also means respecting them,
and even to ‘bless those who hate you.’
Pat Duncan, Guild Secretary.
ZOOM Guild Meeting on 6th May
Mairi Perkins is to do a zoom presentation about her visit to Israel called “Come See – Go Tell”.
Following Mairi’s presentation there will be a short AGM.
Please find attached Dorothy Johnston’s Treasurer’s Report i.e. the accounts for the past two years. Heather has also done a comprehensive President’s Report for you to look over. If you are unable to attend the zoom meeting please feel free to contact Dorothy Johnston on 01764 661 043 if you have any questions about the accounts.
The Guild Office states it is necessary that these accounts are approved.
Zoom access is from approximately 1.45pm when you will be welcomed to the meeting by host Christine Souter. The meeting will begin at 2pm.
This is the link for the zoom meeting :
Arrive a little early to be welcomed and meet with others online
At our recent Guild Committee Meeting it was decided to tentatively arrange a couple of Summer meetings where we can get together. It is our hope that the lifting of restrictions, plus careful arrangements, will allow these meetings to take place.
Dates for your diary:
June 3rd at 11a.m. Morning coffee in the Church Hall.
July 1st at 2p.m. Kirsty Duncan sings ‘Songs of Hope.’
News from the Guild Office
The New Guild Strategy:
On Thursday 15 April, the Guild’s new projects were launched and the new three-year strategy is about to begin – and what a wonderful overall title we have been given :
‘Look Forward in Faith’.
The Guild Themes are:
Year 1: “Lights and Bushels”.
Year 2: “Wee Seeds, Big Trees”.
Year 3: “New Wine, New Wineskins”
More from the Guild Office:
On 11th of June at 7pm there is to be a Virtual ‘Big Sing’ with discussion of the 6 new projects being part of the event. You can access this through the Guild facebook page.
Annual Guild Gathering The Guild Office is also reporting that work is underway to hold a Gathering at the Caird Hall, Dundee. A final decision about whether the Gathering will be live or virtual will be made at the end of May.
Guild Week is normally held in September, but this year the date is to be at the discretion of each Guild.
* Guild Rededication service is to be on 3rd October.
Thinking of You
Moira Ramsay of Commander’s Grove is preparing to leave us to live in Stirling where she will be nearer her daughter. We wish her well.
Nettie has been in hospital recently having broken her leg.. We wish her a full recovery as she convalesces at home.
Convener’s Challenge
The Guild Convener sets a challenge to members each year. This coming year will be a photographic challenge the subject being ‘Trees and Rainbows’. Entries please, in the first instance, to Heather and the Committee- who will make a decision about which photograph should be submitted to’ Perth and Kinross Guilds Together.’ They in turn will make a choice from all the entries and choose one to forward to the National office for a competition winners decision after they look at each of the entries from the different areas.
I still have to establish a final date for entries to be submitted to Heather but… take your cameras with you when you go out and about…. and get clicking when the opportunity arises!
President’s Report
It is now over a year since our last Guild meeting. Perth Prison Chaplain Ken Russell gave an excellent talk to 50 members and friends from local Guilds, after our usual soup/sandwich lunch, which was followed by our successful Bring and Buy. I have noted that this meeting raised £184 collection and £120 sales table, with £40 coming in at the soup lunch on Sunday 1/3/20.
Friday 6/3/20 was World Day of Prayer, organised by Sally Young, which raised another £120 directly, for their funds.
I have been phoning round or texting all our members and a few others, probably every 2 months on average.
We had committee meetings by Zoom in May, September, November & February. Sadly, Phyllis MacLeod and Isobel McNaughton have retired from the committee, but we still have seven: myself plus Pat D, Dorothy, Maureen, Anne W. Sally & Barbara. Anyone wishing to join the committee would be made very welcome – please give it some prayerful consideration.
Leading up to Christmas, we prepared seasonal gift bags for all members , collected 30Kg of required foods for ‘Start up Stirling,’ contributed to the Salvation Army, and knitted over 100 Angels, 70 of which went to Braco Primary/Nursery. ‘Be an angel God loves a helping hand’. The remaining angels were given as ‘thank you’ s, or hung on the Christmas tree at the church for anyone to help themselves.
Guild head office reduced our capitation fees from £12 to £9 to help support staff and ongoing projects. 27 Ardoch Guild members have paid this for the coming year.
We have also donated £400 to 2 of our designated Guild projects – £150 each to Christian Aid, Red Cross and Edith’s Homes in lieu of Church retiring collections, and £500 to Ardoch church funds.
On 4/2/21 we held a very successful Guild Zoom meeting with Kevin Simpson speaking on Malawi Fruits. 18 people attended and £70 was donated by members and £100 was given by the Guild to make a total of £170.
I continue to phone those who were/are not able to participate in virtual Guild meetings.
Sally Young, yet again, ably organised a World Day of Prayer on 4/3/21 at 2pm on Zoom with at least 10 participants. 1/4/21 Liz Paterson gave a presentation about her India experience. A donation of £140 was sent to Seema’s Project.
Mairi is to talk about her journey in Israel. on 6/5 21.
We are extremely grateful to Christine for so ably facilitating all our Zoom meetings. Thank You.
And thanks to you all for continued support.
Heather McDonald
Whose we are, and Whom we serve
One Journey, Many Roads – ‘The Extra Mile’
Keeping You in the Loop April 21
Dear Guild members,
For over a year we have been subject to various restrictions and lockdowns. We are fortunate that we have been relatively unscathed as a community. However, my mind constantly turns to those who have been adversely affected. Occasionally phoning round Guild members I am particularly aware of all those (and there are many) who, for various reasons, have found this year a particularly difficult one.
Let us remember our Guild members in our prayers:
Gracious God, so many are tired and stressed, lonely and traumatised. Yet You look upon us with tender mercy, and long to pour out your healing balm. Forgive us Lord Jesus that we are so rigid and narrow in our form of communication, where we often judge others rather than appreciate their difference. Enlarge our minds and our hearts through your Holy Spirit, to connect with others with empathy, with creativity, so we can build bridges of acceptance and love with others.
Here’s to seeing you all, in the not too distant future, even if a little tentatively.
We welcome Liz Paterson as our speaker on Thursday 1st April. She will be doing a presentation about her visit to India.
Christine Souter will host the meeting.
This is the link for the zoom meeting that begins at 2pm on 01 04 21.
Arrive a little early to be welcomed and meet with others online
This is the link
Easter is a time of reflection. Over the years I have participated in many Lenten bible studies that have taught me much and given me much to think about. Our church bible study I am doing just now is proving to be just as challenging as any other. The times we are living through with this pandemic are influencing our lives so much in so many different ways.
However, the amazing thing about the Easter story is the resurrection of Jesus. It must fill us with joy….. and anticipation.
John 3:16/17 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.”
When we believe we are his, we are saved and we are safe in his hands.
Believe it!
Pat Duncan
World Day of Prayer
This year’s world day of prayer was prepared by the Christian Women of the Republic of Vanuatu. The theme was “Build on a strong foundation” Our service was held on March 4th on Zoom. We started off with music and images from Vanuatu and went on to learn about the culture and lives of the Vanuatu people. With a Vanuatu song from John Duncan and recordings from Eleanor, Robyn and Hannah from the Hot Chocolate Club, who told the stories of three Vanuatu women, we learnt how difficult life for young people in Vanuatu could be.
Twenty one people attended the Zoom service both from Ardoch and Blackford churches. Ten participated in the service and many knitted prayer squares which were given out alongside the order of service. Thank you to everyone who helped prepare and participate in the service.
A big thank you to Christine Souter for all her advice and technical support.
We are able to send £260 to World Day of Prayer thanks to your generous donations and a cheque from the Guild. World Day of Prayer are supporting two charities in Vanuatu, one providing education and skills to disadvantaged young people, and the other supporting women who suffer from domestic abuse. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 2022 World Day of Prayer in March 2022 which is being prepared by the Christian women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Sally Young Ardoch Church of Scotland WDP coordinator.
Christine Souter has made a recording of the WDP zoom session and has put it in the Guild section of the Ardoch Church website: It is now there for all to access.
A church elder has written a comedy song about the COVID
A church elder has written a comedy song about the COVID–19 lockdown19 lockdown Jeannie Price said she has tried to reflect the experiences and observations of most people over the last year in her lighthearted lyrics. It is set to the tune of Wild Rover by The Dubliners. A member of Methlick Parish Church in Aberdeenshire, she said she tries to hold onto the lighter side of life and faith and a sense of humour has helped her get through the past year.
Go online and enter:
You Tube Jeannie Price #covid19 #lockdown #comedy
Something to read and ponder compassion [kəmˈpaʃ(ə)n] NOUN 1. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. synonyms: pity · sympathy · feeling · fellow feeling · empathy · understanding · care · concern · solicitude solicitousness · sensitivity · tender-heartedness · soft-heartedness · warm-heartedness · warmth · love · brotherly love · tenderness · gentleness · mercy “A student once asked anthropologist Margaret Mead, “What is the earliest sign of civilization?” The student expected her to say a clay pot, a grinding stone, or maybe a weapon. Margaret Mead thought for a moment, then she said, “A healed femur.” A femur is the longest bone in the body, linking hip to knee. In societies without the benefits of modern medicine, it takes about six weeks of rest for a fractured femur to heal. A healed femur shows that someone cared for the injured person, did their hunting and gathering, stayed with them, and offered physical protection and human companionship until the injury could mend. Mead explained that where the law of the jungle—the survival of the fittest—rules, no healed femurs are found. The first sign of civilization is compassion, seen in a healed femur.” By Dr Ira Byock. Roy Speirs It was with great sadness we heard of the passing of Roy Spiers. Roy gave tireless service to the Church in Ardoch, as well as many other organisations. We offer our sincere condolences to Ann and Roy’s family and will keep them in our prayers.
MAY ZOOM GUILD MEETING Next month on 6th May Mairi, our minister, is to do a presentation about her visit to Israel.
This is the link for the zoom meeting that begins at 2pm on 06 05 21.
Arrive a little early to be welcomed and meet with others online
Following our speaker, we will have short AGM where, our President will present her report and our Treasurer, Dorothy, will be available to answer questions about the accounts.
Your Guild Prayer Diary for the week ahead
Monday: for children and staff returning to school after the Easter holiday . That they will feel and be safe in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday: thinking especially of our leadership team, Mabel Wallace, Andrea Houston, Helen Banks, Helen Eckford and Margaret Muir, as they meet to discuss the future direction of the Guild.
Wednesday: for Guild members who are currently in hospital or recovering at home from Covid-19.
Thursday: giving thanks for all who are working in presbyteries across Scotland to help develop and build our Church.
Friday: remembering our six new project partners as they prepare to work with us over the next three years
Saturday: for all in positions of leadership at a local, national and international level. That they may govern with justice, wisdom, compassion and integrity. Sunday: for our twinned partners in the Guilds in the Synod of Livingstonia in Northern Malawi, asking particularly for protection during this pandemic
Whose we are, and Whom we serve
The Journey, Many Roads – ‘The Extra Mile’
Perth Guilds Together
Hello everyone
I hope you are all well and enjoying the signs of Spring we see all around us. This is just to remind everyone of the meeting a week on Friday, 12th March at 10.30am. This is the first meeting we have held since our ABM, last March, when many could not come because of coronavirus travel restrictions! It is wonderful to think that we can see a small light at the end of this tunnel! Our speaker, as I have said, is Very Rev Dr Susan Brown. Susan is an inspiring, uplifting and humorous speaker and I can guarantee everyone will enjoy what she has to say to us. We do have a little bit of business as accounts have to be ratified but this should not take very long. I attach the minute of last year’s ABM. Iain Whyte, our National Secretary was our speaker then and looking back at what he had to say is very apt for these times!
PLEASE encourage as many of your Guild people as possible to attend – we would really like a good turn out for Susan. The link for that meeting is below. Please forward this to as many members as you can! Thank you and I look forward to seeing faces we haven’t seen for a while!!
Every blessing
Join Zoom Meeting (one click) [preferred]
Meeting ID: 863 5274 6953
Passcode: 146477
Join Zoom Meeting by phone [option]
0131 460 1196
Meeting ID: 863 5274 6953
Passcode: 146477
Keeping You in the Loop March 2021
Hi Folks,
I know some of our Guild members were unable to attend our zoom meeting online on 4th February. These are strange times and we are all trying to make changes to our usual way of doing things in order to meet up in whatever way is possible. This inevitably means that not all are able to attend, but we do have hope that with the vaccination programme in full flow it is only a matter of time until we can get together again safely – albeit with continued mask wearing and safe distancing procedures.
We gathered online to hear Kevin Simpson from ‘Malawi Fruits’ talk about the charity and all it is doing with young farmers in the northern part of Malawi. It was a very informative and interesting talk, and what I liked about it most was the fact that the help these young people are being given is not a temporary fix, but something sustainable that would mean that they have a future with enhanced living conditions. The Guild Committee agreed that Ardoch Guild would donate £100 to this project, but donations from individuals have come in, and some members donated directly via the Guild office. So, I am sure our giving will be more, when Dorothy has totalled it all up.
We are now in the season of Lent. Lent is a journey towards the Joy of Easter.
It is a time when we remember all He gave up for us as He went through His journey to the cross.
It is a season where we are asked to put others before ourselves and walk in Jesus’ footsteps as He calls us to ‘love our neighbours.’
We too have been on a journey that has tested us over the past year. We have had to give up so much….. However, during this time, as individuals and as a Guild we have managed to give support and encouragement to each other, to serve our community and to think of ways to help people in need in Uganda (Edith’s Hope), in India (Seema’s Project) and Malawi Fruits. We have also given to Christian Aid.
Even in lockdown we have found time and resources to reach out to others in a variety of ways.
All good wishes,
Pat Duncan,
Secretary, Ardoch Church of Scotland Guild.
Normally, we have a collection at the WDP event, and both Sally Young (22 Millhall Drive, Greenloaning) and Pat Duncan (3 Ardoch Way, Braco) are happy to receive donations, which will be forwarded to our Treasurer, Dorothy, for remittance to WDP.
Since the Guild zoom meeting of 4th February went so well, the Guild Committee have decided to go ahead with Guild zoom meetings during the next two months:
At 2pm on April 1st Liz Paterson will give a presentation about her visit to India.
At 2pm on May 6th our minister Mairi Perkins will give a talk about her visit to Israel entitled “ Come See – Go Tell”.
During the Summer months this year it is intended, if possible, to continue to hold Guild meetings. It is hoped by then that we may be able to get together in a socially distanced setting. Watch this space!
Keeping You in the Loop February 2021
On Thursday 4th February Ardoch Guild decided to hold a Guild zoom meeting.
We offer our thanks to Christine Souter who hosted the meeting.
Not all Guild members were able to participate online. However, approximately 20 members and friends attended. As a group we shared about 15 minutes of fellowship before Heather McDonald, our president, welcomed us all and invited our speaker to introduce himself and deliver his presentation.
Our speaker was Kevin Simpson CEO of a Scottish charity based in Wishaw called ‘Malawi Fruits’. Kevin explained the charity’s ongoing work partnered with The Guild over a 3 year period from 2018 until 2021.
‘Malawi Fruits’ works with young Christian farmers in the Livingstonia area of Northern Malawi.
The charity’s objective is to enable these young farmers to grow cash crops using modern farming methods. Instead of merely subsisting they can earn extra cash to allow children to go to school, start up mini businesses and improve their living environment.
They are provided with ‘Futurepumps’ (an innovative solar powered irrigation pump) which can irrigate one acre of farmland. Kevin explained that the dry season is lengthy and this irrigation method allows for the production of more than one crop per year. The charity also provides access to a tractor and plough and connects young people with processing facilities and good markets to make sure they are not open to exploitation but gain a fair deal.
During question time Kevin answered many questions and also shared with us about the effect of covid 19 in Malawi.
It was generally felt to have been a very good meeting. Not quite the same as getting together in person but we all feel so thankful to be able to resume our Guild meetings after such a long year.
Pat Duncan, Secretary, Ardoch Church of Scotland Guild.
Keeping You in the Loop January 21
Christmas has come – and gone, but the spirit of Christmas – of Christ’s coming into the world – lingers with us as we look forward to Easter and the fulfilment of the promise of his coming and the salvation that he brings to us.
He has shown/demonstrated by His words and actions a way of living that brings us into communion with our creator God. We are asked to love God with all our heart and soul and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. It is easy to love our friends and family, but it is always more difficult to step out of our family circle and find ways to express our love for our fellow human beings – especially those who are suffering in different ways.
Today, I watched a programme about an Inuit community who live within the Arctic Circle in the US state of Alaska. They were bemoaning the fact that climate change has brought about devastating changes to their lives over the past decade. They have come to the conclusion that they are to suffer for the greed of humans in other parts of the world.
Naturalists tell us about the impact of climate change on polar bears etc. but of course there are humans all over the globe who will suffer in years to come due to big changes which now seem inevitable.
It is clear what God would have us do to protect peoples, creatures and the environment on which we all depend for our existence. We all have a part to play, but most of all our leaders, and those who make money, need to be less greedy and more generous.
This past year has shown us how we can all do our bit to help alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures.
I tend to avoid the usual socks and slippers as Christmas gifts, but this year I found an organisation online who – for every pair of socks bought – donate a special pair of socks (antibacterial and extra warm) to a homeless person. Socks, seemingly, are the most sought- after item that a homeless person desires.
Another organisation I support is ‘Who Gives a Crap’. They make all sorts of paper tissues, kitchen rolls and toilet paper. Their profits from sales all go towards providing toilets for the poorest of the poor in third world countries. Of course, we all know that a lack of toilet and hand – washing facilities causes so much disease and death, so I am right behind this organisation and its objectives. I love when my big box of toilet paper arrives.
No more worrying about empty supermarket shelves for me – I’ve got a stash that lasts for months. No queues outside no 3 please!
These are two examples of companies making a difference in this world of ours. Perhaps, if we can, we should be seeking out more of these types of businesses and supporting them in the work they are doing to relieve the suffering of others.
During this pandemic most of my Christmas shopping has been done online and was delivered to the recipient gift wrapped (for a fee). It was definitely the way to do it this year but when I think about how much I have spent buying goods from and the proportion of my purchase total that come back to our church – I don’t feel a smile coming on! Amazon makes billons out of our collective purchases and yet gives such a small percentage back to our ‘chosen charities’. They clap themselves on the back – congratulating themselves on their generosity. What I am seeing is greed. ‘Stand up 4 socks’ and ‘Who Gives a Crap’ put this multinational business called Amazon to shame!
So, let’s look for ways of sharing and being generous that is more meaningful and that complements our Christian values.
Pat Duncan,
Guild Secretary.
From our Guild President
I would like to thank Pat most sincerely for keeping all our members in The Loop so efficiently, and the rest of the committee for helping to assemble and distribute the Advent goody bags. The Angels were such a joy to knit, collect, then distribute, thanks to everyone who helped. Phyllis McLeod and Isabel McNaughton have stepped down from the committee. For personal reasons they can no longer commit time to the work of the Guild Committee. Words cannot really express our appreciation for all they’ve done.
Our present Lockdown level 4 is seeing us to mid January (at least). We will have a committee meeting around then and try to plan a little way into the future, maybe aiming for meetings or some form of fellowship during the summer months. If anyone has any ideas of what we should do/you would like, please let me know.
I have just received another shielding letter, so I can only apologise for my lack of visibility in the village. I had hoped to deliver all your National Guild News personally for a chat on the doorstep, but I was advised against doing this. I will get back to you all on the phone in the New Year, when no doubt we will be either snowed in or rained off!
My sincere hope is that we can all ‘Look Forward in Faith’ in 2021
Heather McDonald
Ardoch Church services are to continue ‘on line’ for the foreseeable future.
The Guild Committee are to have another online ‘zoom’ meeting in the middle of January when we will review the situation and attempt to make a decision about future Guild meetings.
Our Guild President, Heather, has been sent a quantity of copies of Guild News, which we hope to get out to you all – somehow – over the next few weeks. The Guild News, amongst other interesting articles, contains updates on our Guild projects.
Here are the project totals raised so far:
Crossreach £77,259.31
Boys’ Brigade £80,873.90
Sailors’ Society £59, 957.91
Journeying Together £59, 687.27
Seema’s Project 76, 394.97
Malawi Fruits £66,019.25
In April 2021 we look forward to the launch of new Guild Projects. Next year we hope to start to use familiar ways of fundraising. We may have to be innovative – and hopefully the Committee will come up with some fresh ideas. However, if any Guild member would like to jot down details of a fundraising idea (and hand it on to the Secretary, Pat Duncan) it will be discussed at the mid – January Guild Committee meeting. Any other comments for the Guild Committee are welcomed and can be relayed in the same way via Pat Duncan.
From the Guild Office:
What are capitation fees and how are they used? |
Every member of the Guild pays a small annual capitation fee or a membership fee which enables the Guild to operate nationally. This covers the cost of the salaried staff, administration, maintaining the website, organising events such as the Annual Gathering, producing and circulating the twice-yearly magazine to every member, and supporting the national leadership team (who are all volunteers). Sometimes the capitation fee is paid by the local Guild on behalf of their members but in most cases, members pay this fee to the local Guild who pass it on to the national Guild Office. This year we have managed to save some money and so the capitation fee is being reduced for 2021 to £9. We hope that as many members as possible may be willing and able to pay this amount to help the Guild to continue to function effectively. |
*Dorothy, our treasurer, thanks guild members who have already forwarded capitation fees (either directly to her or through Secretary Pat Duncan at 3 Ardoch Way, Braco). Dorothy hopes to have all your fees collected before the middle of January so that she can forward these to the Guild office.
The Guild Committee wish you all the best for this coming year, and our hope is that at some point in the near future we will be able to come together again and on that day we will CELEBRATE!
Keeping You in the Loop December 2020
Advent is the preparation for the Big Event – celebrating Christ coming into our world and all that means for each one of us!
My profession is teaching. My husband, John, taught too, and during the 12 or more years my daughter was at school, the run up to Christmas was frenetic, with X3 school reports, parents meetings, school shows and parties etc.
I decided that I would start my Christmas shopping early and have it – and many other Christmas preparations – all done by Advent. My Christmas cake would be baked during the October holiday; Christmas presents bought, wrapped and posted; cards written; the freezer filled with all sorts of good things, and the Christmas tree decorated and shining brightly at the window. That cleared the way for all the things that I needed to do work- wise.
When I retired I could not break the habit and so the same preparation continues. However, being retired has been very positive for me, because I am now able to focus properly on Christmas and it is so much more calm and meaningful. I have no distractions, and can really enjoy Christmas time – from Advent through to Christmas Day, and I love it!
This year is inevitably going to be different for many of us. We don’t know as yet how restrictions will affect us, but we suspect that things will be different. Perhaps it will be difficult for loved ones to make the journey home. Maybe we won’t get that Christmas day invitation to join with others. The community parties probably won’t happen. We may not have a church service on Christmas Eve. It could be that cash may be short this year and families may be experiencing financial difficulties. Knowing that things might be different for many of us this year, we need to be aware of those around us who might be adversely affected in one way or another.
Christina Rossetti wrote in her poem that “Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine; Love was born at Christmas, star and angels gave the sign”. These are words that must surely inspire us, not just at Christmas, but at all times to show love and compassion. We have loved ones, this community in which we live, this country and this world where there is so much suffering and need.
Love came down at Christmas – and Love is something we can share this Christmas.
Pat Duncan, Guild Secretary.
***Congratulations to Fergie and Margaret Ferguson who celebrated their 60th wedding Anniversary recently.***
Start-Up Stirling
As you know the Guild Committee instructed me to contact Start-Up Stirling to find out what needs they had for their clients at Christmas. Start up Stirling requested donations of Christmas puddings, cranberry sauce and Bisto gravy granules. Our members have stepped up to the plate and collectively donated over 80 items. Well done everyone! |
Dear members
Normally by this time of year we would have paid our guild memberships of £15 but because of circumstances this year we’ve not been able to meet. We usually pay £12 of the £15 in capitation fees to guild office at 121 in Edinburgh. Guild office have asked if guild members would be willing to pay a reduced capitation fee of £9 per member to help cover their costs including supporting projects, and crucial work in Malawi, and selecting new projects for 2021-24.
If members are willing, could they please pay this fee by cheque or cash to Pat Duncan or any committee member by 31st December 2020. Please make cheques payable to Ardoch Parish Church Guild.
Thank you
Dorothy (Guild treasurer).
Ardoch Church of Scotland 240th Anniversary.
The Moderator of the Church of Scotland is to visit Ardoch Church on 25th April 2021 to help celebrate 240 years of our church history here in Braco. A lunch is to be provided.
Guild members have been knitting furiously so that we may have enough Angels to give out to Braco Primary school pupils at Christmastime. The Angels will have hanging loops so that they can be hung on a Christmas tree. Anyone who has knitted angels can deliver them to Pat Duncan at 3 Ardoch Way where Heather McDonald will pick them up on Monday 7th December (unless you have made other arrangements with Heather).
If you haven’t got a knitting pattern but would like one – contact Pat Duncan on 01786 880 877).
Keeping You in the Loop October 2020
What have You Given up and why? |
This month the challenge is: what is the one thing you have given up during lockdown that you will not start again when it is over, and why? Let us know what changes you have made and why. |
Most of the things I have ‘given up ‘ have largely been enforced by restrictions placed on me by coronavirus – whether by guidance or by laws set by government, or by my own reluctance to be out and about. That regular outing to the cinema and to concerts – coffee and cake, lunches, takeaways, etc etc etc.
However, over a year ago I made a decision that I would not buy any item of clothing for a whole year! I realised that not only had I filled the wardrobe in my bedroom but that I was well on my way to filling the wardrobe in the guest bedroom!
When I looked through these wardrobes I realised that many items of clothing did not fit me any more – they were either too big or too small, and some items had not been worn for years. I found a very large cardboard box and starting filling it with clothes. Not only casual, informal items but also dresses bought for weddings that had only ever been worn once (I thought too expensive to throw out!) I did try on a few items to make sure they were ‘box destined’. Decisions came easily once I started. My fear was that if I left the box lying around for any length of time that my resolve would waver and items would find their way back into my wardrobe. I thought to deliver the box to a charity shop but my daughter decided to take the lot and sell them on ebay. She made a tidy sum from that activity – which helped her pay a few bills.
The only item of clothing I have bought recently is a t-shirt. I didn’t need the t-shirt but I wanted it. That one purchase has brought about a change in me.
Throughout this pandemic I have had a little ‘extra’ cash (no doubt due to my not buying what I don’t need) and I have deliberately thought about how I should use that money.
Gifts to friends and family members have been sent: hoping to lift spirits during these times of coronavirus. I have also decided to give to charities on a regular basis. So, instead of indulging myself in so many ways that cause my resources to be used on things I don’t really need I have managed, I hope, to steward these resources more carefully.
I suppose, when I think about it, this is what God wants us to do with our lives – to be a little less selfish and a little more generous. Of course, generosity is not defined only by sharing cash but can be shown in countless ways. We, as humans, need each other and the way we interact through smiles, phone calls, a visit, a letter, gift of baking etc can say much more about generosity than anything else.
All good wishes,
Pat Duncan
Guild Secretary.
Ardoch Guild Christmas donations to Start-Up Stirling:
Just a reminder that if you are able to donate one or more of the items requested by ‘Start – Up Stirling’ then please either deliver to one of our committee members or ask them to come and collect by Friday 6th November.
The items required are: Christmas puddings, cranberry sauce and ‘Bisto’ gravy granules.
The main objective of Seema’s project is to rehabilitate the children of female sex workers who are at risk of entering prostitution themselves by removing the children from the red light area of Pune in India to look after and rehabilitate them. The latest prostitute that has been rescued is a young woman of 17, a frightened girl. The youngster had been doused with diesel and set alight by her brothel keeper, not on one occasion but twice, all because she refused to do the terrible things that were being asked of her. She has recent burns on her arms and abdomen as well as older scars on her torso. As you can imagine, this was distressing to see. Please pray for the young woman rescued by Seema earlier this month. Please thank God that she is now safe and pray for the healing of her wounds both physical and emotional.
One Journey, Many Roads
Keeping You in the Loop September 2020
Today it is reported that due to coronavirus there have been over one million deaths worldwide. The human suffering is incalculable. It is a sobering thought because we are often focussed on our own lives and the way this disease is affecting us. It certainly puts things into perspective when one considers the grief that so many families are experiencing having lost a loved one, one’s livelihood and/or home. The inconvenience of staying home and the lifestyle-limiting regulations that prevent us from seeing loved ones etc. seem, on reflection, such a small price to pay in order to prevent the spread of this disease throughout our communities.
However, I am also aware of the cost to individuals who are unable to receive hospital treatments and those who are suffering from being isolated, alone or unable to cope with all that is happening.
In many ways, although older people are more susceptible to this disease, we have much to be thankful for…. I am so grateful that I don’t have to go out to work. I have a pension that means I have a steady income that I can depend on. I have a home, a husband, a daughter I have seen twice since mid February, and lovely neighbours. I have a garden to work in and to enjoy. I can paint. I have so many things I am so grateful for that I could fill this page easily.
I suppose I would count myself a very positive person but I would say that is because of my faith. Jesus has a central place in my life and colours my life. I give him permission, in fact I depend on Him, to steer my life – my thinking and interactions – giving me confidence that things will get better.
My prayer is that you too can depend on Him for all your needs and that He will bring people into your life who can transform it and help you cope with Covid19 restrictions.
With all good wishes,
Pat Duncan (Guild Secretary).
A Guild Committee meeting took place via zoom on Thursday evening 17th September:
A Guild syllabus for Meetings has been arranged tentatively for January to April inclusive. It is still not clear whether all or any of these meetings will take place, but we continue to look at ways and means, and for permissions to restart.
Normally, at our church harvest service, we would have a retiring collection for Edith’s Hope. This is a charity which supports vulnerable orphans and child-headed families in the Kumi district of NE Uganda. The pandemic has seen food become scarce in this region and prices increasing by 100%. If you would like to read more about this charity go online to
It was agreed by the committee that Ardoch Guild donate £150 to this worthy charity.
Blythwood Christmas Boxes: The Committee discussed news from Ann Speirs that Blythwood Christmas Box donations are no longer being organised by a local group in Crieff.
It was felt that with everything that is happening just now with coronavirus, we should concentrate our giving locally. Several charities were discussed – but because we have been in the habit of giving to ‘Start up Stirling’ and because of the wide range of work they do (not just a food-bank!) to help those in the greatest need, we felt that we should focus on that charity.
I have been in touch with ‘Start up Stirling’ and they have given Ardoch Guild a special and particular request. They have asked for donations of cranberry sauce, Christmas puddings and Bisto gravy granules.
If you can donate any or all of these things singly or in multiples please deliver or request uplift from one of your Guild Committee members by Friday 6th November 2020.
Committee members are: Heather (880 556), Dorothy (01764 661043), Phyllis (880 566), Pat (880 877), Maureen (880338), Barbara (880 509), Anne (880709) and Sally (880496).
Our president, Heather, has been assiduously keeping in contact with Guild members throughout this difficult time with occasional phone calls. For most people this would be an onerous task, especially when undertaking cancer treatment, and so we thank her for her kindness in thinking of our well-being during such a difficult time.
Heather writes…..
It has been my pleasure to speak to so many of you in these trying times. I held back in August as I thought we were getting back to normal. Then 1st September I was nearly locked down in Busby, for how long?!
So another month has passed and I keep wondering, what stops us from picking up the phone and keeping in touch? I leave it with you. ( answers on a postcard- – – – – )
Craft Sales Please keep up the good work! – we are hoping to have a sale of all your craft work in January 2021.
Isabella McNaughton has decided to retire from the Guild Committee and we want to thank her many contributions and wish her well.
Guild virtual Annual Gathering: If you have a device which allows you to go online, then, if you haven’t already done so, you can still access the Guild virtual Annual Gathering (courtesy of Christine Souter who has put it on the church website). It is an uplifting experience and well worth the effort.
240th Anniversary: Next year we are to celebrate 240 years of Ardoch Church. Things are being thought over about how we celebrate this anniversary. Something to look forward to!
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